Thursday, March 1, 2012


Oil And Gas
Every Malaysian knows PETRONAS but only a few know that it belongs to everyone of us. Petronas is a government company incorporated under the Petroleum Development Act, 1974 to see into crude oil and natural gas dealings in Malaysia for Malaysians.

The idea and intention of setting-up Petronas is very noble where the Federal government will have totally control and manage all petroleum and natural gas bases and exploration. By providing an additional royalty payment to the producing States, the income derived was suppose to be used to develop every State in Malaysia so that there will be no disparity from one another. Petronas had overturned TRILLIONS over this period.

But what we see today is that there is still disparity among the States while oil producing States are even found to be lacking far behind some States.

Petronas funds were not reveal to the Malaysian public or Parliament with the amendment made to the Petroleum Development Act 1974 sometime in 1984 during the tenure of Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Petronas will only report to the Prime Minister (Dr Mahathir then) and only the instructions of the Prime Minister will Petronas need to obey and follow.

This is where the GREATEST MISTAKE took place.

Malaysians must now demand full accountability of Petronas funds from the BN government. Maybe with the setting-up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) by Parliament, Malaysians will be able to know what had happen.

Another best option will be to elect a new government at the 13 General Election, so that this new government could undertake to see into the Petronas accounts and report to the public. The Petroleum Development Act must be re-amended so that it is answerable only to Parliament.

Are Malaysian brave enough to VOTE a NEW GOVERNMENT (not UMNO/BN)?

This is in response to Tun Dr Mahathir's call yesterday that "all Tuns must be investigated".

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