Friday, March 30, 2012

Sue me, Penang Umno Youth chief challenges Lim

Penang Umno Youth has stepped up its offensive against Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, daring him to sue the wing over allegations related to the "questionable" sale of the Bayan Mutiara land.

NONEThe wing's chief, Shaik Hussein Mydin (left), said that since Lim is threateningto sue him for alleged "religious incitement" when he questioned the deal, the CM may as well take legal action over other allegations as well.

These include accusations of possible "criminal breach of trust and corruption" in the sale of the 41.6 hectare piece of land south of the Penang bridge, said the Umno leader.

He added that Lim should also sue him for his claim that the sale of the land by the Penang Development Corporation to Ivory Properties Group Berhad, was not conducted via open tender.

Lim and Ivory Properties had insisted that the RM1 billion deal wasabove board, and done via an open tender, which was "sweetened" by reducing the loan period from eight to five years.

"I can explain to the rakyat that the sale of Bayan Mutiara is 100 percent not conducted via an open tender," said Shaik Hussein at a press conference yesterday.

"The land was sold at an unrealistic price. The state government is at the losing end, and allowing the developer to repay the state in five years just does not make sense," he added.

'CM should admit mistake'

Shaik Hussein said Lim has betrayed the Muslims and non-Muslims, adding that he was fond of diverting issues by claiming they are  racial problems, although that was clearly not the case.

"In this Bayan Mutiara land scandal, I am confident that he is wrong. But he refuses to admit his mistake. If indeed the land for the mosque has been sold, then say it. Just admit it and replace the land," he said.

NONEShaik Hussein accused Lim of trying to silence those who questionedthe land deal even though he had provided proof that the original development plan has reserved a plot of land for a mosque.

The original plan, according to Shaik Hussein, had been approved by the Penang Municipal Council in 2006.

"I showed the proof but all I get is an answer from Lim's political secretary, Zairil Khir Johari, who did not answer my questions," he said.

"Lim is wrong this time in trying to silence me. I will continue to speak until this case is resolved," he warned, adding that he would apply for an injunction to halt the development in the area.

'CM afraid as GE nears'

Shaik Hussein accused Lim of being afraid of admitting  what had transpired as the 13th general election is looming.

He added that Lim had "overstepped the boundaries" by threatening to sue the wing for defending the right of Muslims to a place of worship in Bayan Mutiara.

The Umno Youth chief insisted that the community wants a mosque and not a surau in the vicinity, urging the chief minister to guarantee that the land be replaced, if indeed the previous plot had been sold.

Lim had clarified that there are standard requirements for schools and places of worship, including surau or mosque, that are considered compulsory by local government and must be included in any development project.

Shaik Hussein said he had yet to lodge a police report or raise the matter with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) as all he needed was an answer from the CM.

"But he decided to sue me and Utusan Malaysia. Just imagine if our prime minister sues every time a report (against him) is published inMalaysiakini," he said.

He urged Lim to forget about suing Utusan, an Umno-owned newspaper, as the Penang CM should respect press freedom.

Shaik Hussein insisted that he nor Umno was against development if it is carried out for the benefit of the people, and not merely for profit-making.

"I don't care if you want to develop until the middle of the sea or right up on the hills but give us back our land for the mosque. I am serious," said Shaik Hussein, raising his voice.

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