Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Most honourable thing for Tun Hanif to do, and why

Most honourable thing for Tun Hanif to do, and why
It would have been a most honourable thing for Tun Hanif to
(1) profusely thank the Government for the appointment, and to
(2) politely decline to chair the panel by saying that
(3) he could not possibly lead the panel on second thoughts on the ground of conscience,
(4) because he could easily cite that he happened to be a former police chief and that his former police force was involved in preventing the Bersih 3.0 from Dataran Merdeka,
(5) that his appointment may unnecessarily lead to the perception of bias or unfairness, and hence contribute to untold damage the Government’s reputation, and
(6) that there are surely no shortage of other professionally qualified people to head the panel investigating into the
(7) unfortunate, unhappy and unruly incidents, which both
(8) the governing authorities are unhappy with certain protesters, and
(9) the reported 250,000 protesters (and journalists, independent monitors, etc) who are equally unhappy with the way certain members of the police force had responded to many protesters who were hurt while on the run or allegedly beaten, some of whom reportedly were unprovoked cases, as well as
(10) their serious concern regarding the identity of those who opened the barricades for protesters to surge forward.
Underdog wins again
Such an honourable and magnanimous act by Hanif could have signaled a small step in the ladder of positive reforms. This seeming lost opportunity may still be not too late in the day to redeem, but will it be redeemed or gone to waste forever?
Whatever may be said, the underdog seemed to have won the day. Somehow, the human nature tends to lend their support to the underdog. A small David winning the battle against the giant Goliath makes an interesting and more importantly an inspiring story for all.
Meanwhile, let us together denounce violence and violation of human rights of any nature, and speak up against 'unpeace' and hypocrisy at any cost, so that all Malaysians may live quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and reverence, which we are urged to be praying for.

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