Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Suaram to Utusan: Who's giving you money?

Suaram adviser Kua Kia Soong has challenged Malay daily Utusan Malaysia to reveal the sources of its funds, in a tit-for-tat response countering the daily’s recent questioning of the human rights NGO’s funding sources.

NONE“Why don’t you tell me who gives money to Utusan? If you do not know, why don’t you find out since you are working there?” he said, posing this to the daily’s journalist after Suaram launched its annual report on human rights today.

An Utusan reporter had raised the matter, insisting on getting answers from Kua (right).

“Why do we need to tell you where our funds come from? Does Umno have to tell you where its funds come from?
“Do Umno companies need to tell you where their funds come from? Do you want to tell me where your funds come from?” he retorted.

“Then, why do you have to ask Suaram? Why is Suaram so special that we have to tell the whole country where our funds come from?”

Main contributors

However, Kua went on to explain that the money came from Finland, the United States, Canada and various state governments in Malaysia, as well as from donations by citizens.

NONE“When I write a book, I donate about RM2,000 to RM3,000 to Suaram from the sales. 

"There are many individuals throughout Malaysia who give money to Suaram,” Kua told a press conference at the Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall.

He said Suaram has answered many questions in the past about its funding and why it has been registered as a company, but newspapers have decided not to publish these clarifications.

Last month, for example, he had said it was difficult for Suaram to register as a NGO, and that funds for its operations have come from donations and grants.

Anyone who believes that Suaram is involved in any kind of corruption, Kua added, was welcome to lodge a report with the authorities.

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