Tuesday, August 28, 2012

UMNO's own Desolate Wasteland.

I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope, for hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love, for love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith, but the faith and the love are all in the waiting. Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.

I first heard of these lines from Comrade Kassim ( Kassim Ahmad) circa 1977. He was participating in one of the forums at the University of Malaya Campus. He was also the chairman of PSRM then, hence the prefix Comrade. Nowadays I hear he is a religious ascetic and he remains, as I have always imagined, a rigorous thinker.

The lines were taken from TS Eliot’s poem Waste Land. Spoken in a melancholic manner by Comrade Kassim, the words left a deep impression on me. To me, the words sounded like a mournful and forlorn longing for the right hope. Or the desirable hope.

And that is what we Malaysians have to face soon at the GE13. We are besieged by hopes really. The promises of the BN versus the promises of PR. What the BN and PR are offering us are hopes actually. So between the two hopes, which one shall we embrace for the renewal of our soul?

Why is UMNO/BN doing by any means necessary to suffocate the yet to be born hopes of PR? Because it can no longer justify and defend its own promises to the promises offered by PR. That is why Najib and friends are going around the country, appealing, threatening, cajoling and pontificating that PR can never fulfill the promises it makes. Because they can’t compete with pure and unadulterated hopes the PR are offering.

People disbelieve and mistrust the promises and hopes offered by UMNO/BN. the promises have been adulterated and broken by abuses, corruption, economic deprivation, and emasculation of the judiciary, the misuse of oppressive instruments, lies and deceit. The promises offered by BN however well-meaning, despite being rendered in angelic tones by the superb acting of Najib, despite suggesting good intentions, are prejudged as already contaminated. They are already condemned by the living memory of the rakyat who shall never forget all the abuses, corruption and violations.

The PR are offering unadulterated and pure hopes which are configurable by minds that are seeking salvation from the oppressive and tainted promises of UMNO/BN.

Why will the people reject the promises of UMNO/BN? because they offer pessimism as opposed to optimism by PR. The people are waiting for deliverance. Najib can run, but he can never hide.

UMNO offers darkness which shall no longer be seen as light. It offers stillness that shall never again be mistaken as the graceful dance.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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