Tuesday, October 30, 2012

PDRM new motto: Support BN at all costs?

VOXPOP 'In that case, should we stop paying our income tax and instead ask Umno to pay them their salary since they only work for them?'

Chegubard angry at police for pulling disappearing act

your sayGerard Lourdesamy: The police in Malaysia condone lawlessness because they have become lackeys of Umno-BN.

It is a disgrace that a force that is supposed to uphold and defend the law and maintain public order and security are happy to become tools of the ruling party and serve their political agenda.

In future, if violence breaks out as the rakyat's patience is running thin, the police have nobody but themselves to blame.

Mushiro: The police are keeping to their bad reputation. We have seen them in Bersih 2.0, we have seen them in Bersih 3.0, we have seen them in the double-decker bus incidents and we have seen them in the many Pakatan Rakyat ceramahs where they either attack the crowd without any provocation or they allow the crowd to be attacked by hooligans.

I believe there is a well-trained team within the police force which specialises in intimidating Pakatan supporters. Has the PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) a new motto where they blindly support Umno no matter what?

Cari Makan: In the corporate world, the respective heads of department are responsible for any negligent or losses, and may be liable for law suits or terminated.

In a civilised country and for the sake of security and national interest, the Home Ministry and the inspector-general of police must be held accountable for their failures to uphold justice and resign.

Jesse: Alas, the police has been so politicised by Umno over the years that in many cases, they seem more like Umno harassment troops paid by taxpayers.

Thanks to this corrupt government that we no longer have an impartial police service which can command the confidence of the public.

Mention police these days and it conjures images of corruption, harassment and incompetence. How the old timers ex-cops must be turning in their graves!

NewMalaysia: In that case, should we stop paying our income tax and instead ask Umno to pay them their salary since they only work for them?

Anonymous #18452573: It would seem that the police in Johor are afraid of Umno mat rempits and supporters. The quality and courage of PDRM has indeed dropped tremendously over the last 50 years.

Geronimo: Forget it, Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) chief Badrul Hisham Shaharin.

It is commendable that you have done your part by returning the video camera (belonging to the police), but don't expect a thief to catch a thief. - Malaysiakini

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