Thursday, November 1, 2012

What a mess BN has created in Selangor!

What a mess! What a god dam mess BN has created in Selangor! First, the most powerful warlord in Port Klang at that time; then, they had a super trillionaire former menteri besar (certainly we are talking about that Umno dentist), after that BN took the water supply away from the people of Selangor, billions in Ringgit of the state coffer went missing, and now, the condominium project to be commenced aside the historical Batu Caves Hindu temple.

These are the real mess that BN has created for Selangor and now the PKR-led Pakatan Rakyat state government would have to pick up the pieces and face with various public anger, while those who are ignorant would then simply blame the present state government for all these hassles.

Well, it has been clearly proven that it was the then Selangor BN state government who had given the approval to a developer in 2007 to build the twenty-over storey condominium next to the Batu Caves Hindu temple.

The two BN Indian sitting municipal councillors at that time, A.Kohilan Pilay (currently Selangor Gerakan chairman, senator and deputy minister) and P.Kamalanathan (currently an MIC MP, who accidently won a by-election) claimed that they were unaware of the project being approved by the Majlis Perbandaran Selayang (MPS). In this case, they washed their hands clean, or maybe, they fell asleep during the council sittings. That is why they are unaware of the project being approved during their tenure.

The then MIC president Datuk S.Samy Vellu was also dammed well aware that the project has been tabled and approved by MPS in 2007. What? He doesn't know about this? Some of those construction activities would need the approval of the Works Ministry of which Datuk Samy is the minister at that time. Is he also telling us that he sign off the project without realizing it or did he too, fell asleep at work?

What can the present Selangor state government do now? Well, it is the most difficult part from here. If they were to halt the project or cancel it off, the developer, armed with all its necessary documentations and evidence would definitely sue the state government for compensation. Yes, if the project is cancelled, the developer being a business entity would surely suffer a massive loss.

But if the project were to proceed, the Batu Cave temple would be gravely affected by the deep piling and the heavy construction works. What would make it worst is the cave temple may also be damaged as the result of the construction.

Then, what can the state government do? First, declassify all the state documentations pertaining to the project and make it public for scrutiny by the people and the press. Second, call on the developer concerned and offer them a viable solution onto this.

Perhaps upon cancelling this project, offer them another option, maybe a suitable vacant land value similar or a bit higher/lower than the current projection costs, provide some discounts or special exemptions to an alternative project. There is sure a win, win situation to be found in due process, provided that BN politics do not interfere in the middle of such problem-solving process.

To the developer, if you want a fair and winnable solution, just shut your doors on those BN politics and not letting them influencing you on your talks with the state government. During the process, these BN politicians, particularly Umno, MIC and Gerakan would certainly try to stir up some racial tensions in between. So, make sure you shut them out completely. Use your wisdom and professionalism to resolve this matter.

So, what else for Umno, MIC and Gerakan in this issue? We all knew the facts. God knows it too. Then, we should again vote them out, far away from the corridors of power come next general elections.

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