Friday, January 25, 2013

Cops blasted for covering up 'turmeric murder' case

The police have been accused of trying to cover up the death of security guard Sugumar Chelliah, who was allegedly handcuffed, smeared with turmeric and beaten by four police officers.

“We refer to the claim by Kajang police chief that police did not beat C Sugumar to death and that he died of a heart attack. 

“This statement is a blatant attempt by police to cover-up the case, with the connivance of the Serdang Hospital,” said lawyers N Surendran and Latheefa Koya representing the victim’s family.

NONEThe duo, in a statement this morning, said eyewitnesses claim to have seen the incident, but the police had not taken any of their statements.

“Three eyewitnesses have come forward who have testified that Sugumar was chased down by the police, handcuffed, beaten and smeared with turmeric. 

“How can the police claim that there was no foul-play, when they have not even recorded the statements of these three witnesses?”

Yesterday the police classified Sugumar’s case as “sudden death” due to a blockage in his heart and that there were “no other injuries”.

The lawyers however maintain that they have observed lacerations on the deceased “consistent with a struggle”.

[More to follow]

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