Friday, January 25, 2013

Why should Umnoputras enjoy 12pct discount?

YOURSAY 'The last time I checked, the government of Malaysia and the state government of Selangor do not belong to Umno.'

Ex-division chief reveals 12pct discount for Umno members

your sayLover Boy: So political parties can apply to get land and be developers? The 7% bumiputera discount came about because of a policy to help them acquire property.

This time within the bumiputera community there is another level of discount given to Umnoputras, who enjoyed a 12% discount. To the non-bumiputeras, I suppose we are just nobody.

Onyourtoes: Why should Umno members be given 12% discount if indeed this is true (as mentioned by former Kota Raja Umno chief Amzah Umar)?

The last time I checked, the government of Malaysia and the state government of Selangor do not belong to Umno.

Umno members, please wake up, if there were indeed 12% discount given to Umno members, they were probably given to a few Umno leaders without your knowledge. Don't be nincompoops, it's time to kick asses.

Mushiro: Amzah, there is nothing wrong with this? Well to Umno all such hanky panky acts are not wrong. Umno paid only RM1,000 for this four acres land when the market price then was RM700,000 per acre.

They bought it from the state government at the time when they were controlling Selangor - a clear conflict of interest, yet they think they are not wrong.

Gotcha: Can I also buy land at premium of RM1,000 to construct care centres for the old and elderly, and after getting it build condominiums and make huge profits for myself?

Swipenter: Extra special privileges for Umno members! Wow, I never knew it existed until now. I am sure many joined Umno to get the 12% special discount and that must be one sure and easy way to recruit members for Amzah's division.

Thereafter, they can resell the units to non-Umno Malays and make money on the discount differential. Or get the bumi quota waived and resell to non-bumis and make at least 12% profit. Everything is above board but it stinks morally and ethically to high heaven.

Ah Boss: This is criminal. I don't mind the poor of any race being given even a 20 percent discount. But why 7 percent when some of them are not really poor?

And why special discounts for Umno members? Why not just ask them to line up outside Bank Negara and open the vaults and let them rob the nation blind? Tell me, why should I pay my taxes?
Bluemountains: They sit in the meetings and approved lands for themselves or for individuals and organisations that are secretly fronting for them. It was extremely lucrative to be a politician, but not after Selangor came under Pakatan Rakyat.

The citizens of Selangor and other states have been 'raped' over and over again for the last five decades. In those days, many state exco members became property developers after they retired from politics.

Cala: Malaysia is a Third World state until it learns how to build a sound system of institutions for governance.

For a start, should we have transparency when it comes to development of state land? What kind of tender process is there? In its absence, rent-seekers have a field day looting and plundering state resources.

Who are they? The ruling elites, of course.

OMG!!: So the then state government sold land for a song to enrich Umno and its partners in crime, who were unable to build affordable houses on these lands to benefit the lower income group which ironically is made up of mainly Malays whom they are supposed to champion?

Anonymous #07521476: Dear Malay brothers and sisters, we need change, we need your support. The land should be sold in open market, and state government get the money to help the rakyat, and not the few Umnoputras.

Changeagent: Thanks to Amzah Umar, I know now that it is public interest for Umno members to get 12 percent discounts on their apartment purchases.
Umno accused of using local council for cheap land

Intheair: In other news, we read about Malaysians quietly travel afar, exposing themselves to hostility while showcasing Malaysian talents. One actually has lost his life while carrying the good name of Malaysia in a foreign land.

Here, we read about mouth frothing, chest beating politician, hiding behind ‘membela bangsa dan negara', exploiting the system while quietly stealing from the people.

Lover Boy: Can the good MB of Selangor have a good look in the case brought up by state representative Ng Suee Lim whether the developer has complied strictly to the development plan.

I suggest a team of full-time officers inspect the compliance aspect. In the event there are any irregularities, please issue a stop-work order.

This is an Ali Baba project and I am sure lurking behind this project must be a MCA crony company.

Mushiro: It will take years to uncover all the crooked ways of Umno. Their modus operandi is to cheat and mislead the state authorities to buy cheap land for themselves.

Either the land is sold to third parties at huge profits or developed for commercial purpose again for huge profits.

Leave Selangor to them for another few years and we can be sure that Selangor will go bankrupt. - Malaysiakini

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