Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mr Billboard Najib and Tun Daim Zainudin aka The Oracle of Syed Putera

Najib has said it so many times. BN will get 2/3rds of the parliamentary seats. What else can he say? He can’t possibly own up to say, the BN is facing its imminent exit? He has no other choice but to say that. Otherwise his ground troops will melt and wilt.

We all know it’s a big hype. If you listen to TV3 and all the other TV stations that UMNO owns and controls, they seem to say, not a single seat can be won by the opposition. When you are lying you can’t tell the same story.

It’s like the MIC claiming it has got 2 million members. PPP claiming it has 1 million members, the IPP claiming to have another 1.5 million members, Nala claiming he has 700 thousand members. If you add all of them, these parties have more Indians than the Indian population in Malaysia.

He is of course oblivious to the cries of haplessness of UMNO people in Selangor. So many of them are saying, habis lah kita kali ini. He can say all the boastful things about capturing Selangor, it takes only Mohamad Taib to erase all of Najib’s big talk.

His claim of getting the 2/3rd majority is a product of his own self hype. Billboards proclaiming whatever BN does are all over the country. People puke not because of winding roads but at seeing Najib’s condescending messages through the billboards.

The contract to erect and make all the billboards of course is secured by an UMNO crony company. The sticks on which the BN flags are hoisted are supplied at RM 6-8 each when you get the same for RM1.50. They will plunder right to the end.

Tun Daim Zainudin aka the Oracle of Syed Putera has come out in the open to campaign for Tengku Adnan Mansor- the constructed Tengku. Only in Malaysia can a person with dubious background become a Tengku. From which royal family does he spring from? He was a carpet seller with no Tengku as prefix to his name.

Daim has run down Anwar for the latter’s bad record running MOF. He has also said that only Tengku Adnan can deliver because he is the secretary general of UMNO. Because he is secretary general of UMNO, therefore he is qualified? UMNO is a thieving party. The SG of a thieving and plundering party is suited for Putera Jaya?

If Daim said that of Tengku Adnan, then I feel sorry for the Malaysian people. Fortunately Daim was talking only to party workers. Victory isn’t dependent on their votes alone.

Daim has said many things to me over the course of two years. These include DR Mahathir’s memoir isn’t completed until I publish mine. When I asked why- because it contains so many negative remarks against Mahathir chiefly about corruption. Mahathir is a corrupt person. History will judge Mahathir on corruption alone.

Daim has also said that Najib is an incompetent leader. He hasn’t got what it takes to run the country. There is a void between Najib’s ears. That is why whatever advice we give, goes into the right ear and leaves through the left.
How can we eradicate corruption when money has gone to number one? Najib like Anwar doesn’t know how to run the country financially. But Anwar’s compensates his lack of knowledge by his ability to talk.

Daim has also said that at one point, Anwar’s children were close to him calling him uncle. They will not fail to come over to my place.

As to Mahathir claiming that he is a one woman man as he said in his memoirs- Daim let out a guffaw. More than anyone else, I am the one who knows Mahathir better.

One day, they were in Mahathir’s room. Mahathir asked Daim, doesn’t he want this chair- pointing to the chair Mahathir was sitting. Daim answered in his usual staccato style – you don’t know how to enjoy life, I want to enjoy mine to the fullest.

Daim told me his daughter lambasted him for having a bon vivant life style. He answered that, whatever he does behind closed doors that is a matter between him and God.

You see Daim has said so many things about those in the present government. I can’t say bad things of Daim because since 2008 I have enjoyed his hospitality where he has revealed a lot of things to me, which the public doesn’t know. So, I can only share some of what he has said to me personally and readers can judge what he said of Anwar, Tengku Adnan and PR in perspective.

The more interesting to note is that, things must  be going extremely bad for BN, so much so, that hermit like Daim has got to be extricated from his abode in Syed Putera.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47 

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