Saturday, June 1, 2013

Gostan Lagi

  • KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian PM Najib said the opposition would be given an oversight role over the country's Election Commission.
  • The commission rejects the accusations of bias and says the election was fair.
  • Najib, in a speech to mark the Malaysian king's birthday, announced that an independent, bipartisan parliamentary committee made up of government and opposition members would be formed to oversee the Election Commission.
  • "I understand that sections of the public want to see our election processes strengthened," said Najib.
  • "I am announcing these improvements to our electoral system in the spirit of unity and national reconciliation."

I think this is another mistake.  Why? Because it is a good idea. So the Pakatan will reject it. The Pakatan are bluffing. They know it. This will only call their bluff.

1. Case No. 1 is Lynas. They said they were fighting for the environment. So the Government held a public hearing. The Government was willing to be questioned, interrogated and roasted in public. What did the Pakatan do? They rejected and boycotted the public hearing. Why? Because they are bluffing. Their bluff was called when the Government called for a public hearing on Lynas. 

Then the Pakatan did a 180 degree switch. They said they supported Lynas. Then their anti Lynas campaigner turned out to be a DAP candidate.

2. Case No. 2 is Jusuf Kalla spilling the beans that Anwar had asked him to mediate something with Najib. It was another bluff. They never intended to keep their word if they lost. So Jusuf Kalla was made to look the fool. But Jusuf Kalla made a public statement - he is the former Indonesian Vice President. Why would he want to initiate anything  between anyone in a foreign country? He has no interest here.

He says he agreed to assist Anwar after Anwar asked him for help. Anwar wanted Jusuf Kalla to negotiate an agreement with Najib. Now Anwar says he did no such thing. He denies asking for Jusuf Kalla's help. They just tell one lie after another lie. 

And the PAS are now asking who gave Anwar the right to negotiate anything with Jusuf Kalla. But who are the PAS? They only have 21 Parliamentary seats - down by 10 from the 31 they won in 2008. The PAS are the big time losers.

3. This is Case No. 3.  If you invite them to oversee the Elections Commission their bluff will be called. Actually they have no qualms about the Elections Commission. The EC is just a soft target for them to shoot at to score points against the Government.

Now if they suddenly join an oversight committee to monitor the EC, they will lose their favorite punching bag. So they will refuse to join this oversight committee as well.

Or they will put really stupid and impossible pre-conditions like 'collect a bowl of mosquito blood, build a golden bridge from Malacca to Gunung Ledang' and other crap like that.

So this is another mistake by Najib. Just forget about the Pakatan. They will have other things to worry about soon  like HIV or something. Tengoklah muka dia - it does not look right. 

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