Saturday, June 1, 2013

MIC Waylaid for Waytha?

Seems the Indians have a new champion if the appointment of a once treason accused former Hindu movement leader now turned Indian party movement leader as a Deputy Minister is anything to make of it.

They say that if one fasts long enough, one will get lots of brownie points and the Gods will hear your hunger prangs more than those who continuously chant mantras, prayers or offering burning candels, incense and what have you.

The longer the fast even if one is tube feed, the more the Gods will answer your prayers.

We all know how a great historical leader Mahatma Gandhi fasted that may have brought about the downfall of the mighty British empire, albeit it happened sometime after his fastings ended.

Wonder if it's fair to doubt the sincerity of the leader of a coalition voted in by minority vote if he braved enough to bring in his men into his inner circle who not so long ago were considered enemies of the state or who fought the ruling regime all the way to even the former colonial master of BolehLand.

One can speculate if bringing in Waytha who does not have even the people support to elect him is really a game changer to uplift the Indians. It does reflect badly on the MIC who is not supposed to be representative of the Indians? But in Indian politics in BolehLand, folks have seen so so many parties being set up with each claiming to champion the Indians cause. And these fellows accuse MIC or UMNO or DAP or PAS or MCA as racists party hah!

The MIC have really been given a slap in the face even if they put on a brave face and they need more thick skin and braver face now that Waytha seem to make himself even greater than the MIC fellows as he can choose to decide who he wants to work with mind you to achieve his blueprint. Imagine a Deputy having more than little Napolean's power, taking on a Caesar's stance to brush aside the MIC Ministers  on managing the affairs of the Indians!

With such power to pick and choose his team to uplift the Indians, is MIC being waylaid as the champion of the Indian community and now the Indians have a new leader? One must admire the charisma or whatever aura the Gods must have bestowed upon him to have answered his fasting wishes of this newly minted Deputy for believing he is the new and rightful leader of the Indians.

Given the power Waytha has shown he can wield and MIC is rather helpless to do anything, one would imagine he will be the first to do the hero ala Bollywood version of leaping over water, coconut trees, mountains and valleys in an instant to right wrongs and fight villains right? That opportunity came for him to show the lighting speed and mighty power he make himself to be since being appointed as Deputy Minister in the case of the alleged brutal death of a Bolehland folk while in police custody.

And respond he did calling for justice, only after other concerned ordinary folks have expressed outrage the moment the 'brutal' death went viral. Somehow our great Waytha was way way somewhere for not knowing what has happened? Or is it the case he has already become a veteran politician and decided to play it safe and digest all thero reactions first become strategising how to make a grand ala Bollywood style entrance to champion for those who have been served injustice by the system who is supposed to mete justice fairly huh?

They say politics does bring about strange changed behaviour in those sucked into it. Our Waytha has proven that because the fire in him- before he became sucked into the euphoria of what it feels like to have power while being initiated into the corridors of power - seemed to have been snuffed out. Now he is fired up to defend his masters we can supposed?

One may say it's unfair to judge Waytha for behaving like a veteran politician because he needs to be given that 100days window to prove himself and disprove all the skeptics that he cannot be bought and a true Hindraf, whatever version it is now, at heart and in his action.

But seeing another Minister newbie Paul Low who seemed to fade away in an instant from being a 'transparency' fighter while in TI to sink to a new low, pun intended, in integrity after doing a volte face on the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission, one can safely surmise that politics does turn angels we know into devils we don't know they will be hah!

So can our Waytha, and in the same plane Paul Low, be the forces of change that 1Malaysia promised? Given that the ole force who are beginning to relive their ole unchanging behavior that might is the best strategy to make the people subservient to them by using threats and the security forces to cast fear on the citizen - ordinary folks don't expect any transformation or change to happen in BN. It is still same-same edition 56th times being in power hah! 

Anyway, will our Waytha's fasting also bring about what the great Mahatma has resulted in, the downfall of those in BN and UMNO who still think they are the mighty ketuanan rulers? Or the downfall of MIC instead...the God's forbid no?

Even if his fasting has ended and now occupying the seat of power, no not on the throne but likely a stool bigger that the MIC fellows who were there longer and would be sitting on a little bigger stool nonetheless - will Waytha be able to see his blueprint implemented-a blueprint that 1Malaysia seemed to be attracted towards than the countless MIC crafted blueprints? Or will Wathya be the now favoured Indian child that will make MIC fellows blue-faced with frustration and anger and slowly see the demise of MIC hah!

Considering Waytha ain't no Mahatma or Ghandi or one isn't sure if the great Mahathir approves of bringing him in  to walk in the corridors of power, not shoulder to shoulder with the great leader but somewhat a few steps behind like an obedient servant to await his master's beck and call- the Indians or rather the rest of BolehLand folks are skeptical Waytha will be able to improve the lot of the Indians or other BolehLand folks. including that of a family whose child by the name of Dharmendra, had his life snuffed out while under the watch of His Majesty's Police Force.

Waytha In Charge
If Waytha becomes the favoured party will the MIC who claims to represent the Indians be replaced by the WIC geng - Waytha In Charge of the Indians in BolehLand?

In days to come we will be entertained to a lot of Bollywood action and high drama as our Indian leaders, the Waythas and the Palanivels act our their antics and compete for centrestage to gain support from their Indian community -  with the director 1Malaysia deciding who is going to be hero and villain we can supposed eh?


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