Sunday, February 2, 2014

Dr M all out to topple Najib no longer SPECULATION BUT REALITY!

Dr M all out to topple Najib no longer SPECULATION BUT REALITY!
When Dr Mahathir Mohamad speaks, everyone listens.
But, he is only to be heard with a pinch of salt.
For some, even a pinch of salt is enough to make the dish unpalatable. Dr Mahathir has turned himself to be someone that cannot be trusted anymore and every word that he utters can no longer be taken in literally.
As he grows older, Dr Mahathir is less capable of camouflaging himself and hiding the motives of his actions. Realising that he is now coming to the end of his life, he is now desperate to leave behind a legacy which he had sought to create for himself.
Everyone can see through his denial of trying to topple prime minister, Najib Abdul Razak. No one would trust this old man anymore when he speaks straight.
Even the bridge that he tried to build across the Straits of Johor was anything but straight.
Melayu Mudah Lupa
Najib is probably one of the successors that now Dr Mahathir has categorised as another "Melayu mudah lupa" (forgetful Malay)
Najib has forgotten that it was Dr Mahathir who pulled the carpet on Tun Abdullah A. Badawi, and placed him as the anointed one for one simple reason - so that his son would rise to at least fill the post of Vice Presidency.
However, hell broke loose on Mahathir. Although he had initially predicted that Mukhriz would not win in the Umno polls, the Malaysian maverick later blamed it on Umno's money politics.
In other words, he was secretly wishing that his son would win one of the three top posts in Umno Baru, which he himself had created.
After all, which father would say that his son is useless? Even if the whole world said that he lacked the credibility, the father would say he is demi-god.
Understandably, this is expected of someone who has been a dictator all his tenure as prime minister. Jealousy has turned him into a green monster when Abdullah Badawi won a big mandate in 2004. I wonder what he would have said had Mukhriz received such a strong mandate from the people!
Why Melayu Mudah Lupa?
The reasons are simple. All through his tenure in office, Dr Mahathir has merely enriched his own family and cronies.
While most of us are still caught in the middle income trap, his cronies are among the richest in the world. Those who choose not to follow his footsteps are the Melayu who come under his heavy criticisms.
Even Selangor Menteri Besar, Khalid Ibrahim was not spared of this criticism initiated by Mahathir.
They are the ones who have forgotten Dr Mahathir's great and wonderful deeds, while he himself has just as short memory when it came to issues such as the IC Project in Sabah, the PKFZ deal and the Lingam's case.
More Antics To Come
In the next few months, the nation can expect more of Dr Mahathir's antics which will become more obvious that the former prime minister cannot tolerate Najib anymore.
One of the earliest signs of protest against Najib was when he stepped down as Petronas chairman. After squandering the nation's petroleum wealth, he now steps down indefinitely.
Was it because his views are no longer welcomed by the new management at Petronas? I doubt that. In my opinion, it is more like he no longer enjoys the freedom to dip into the pot of honey to dish out whatever he wants.
Mahathir had done the same by resigning from Umno Baru in protest against Pak Lah. This appears to be the same approach he is adopting to show his disgust towards Najib.
When Pak Lah did not give him the hoot about building a crooked bridge across the Straits of Johor, did he not arrogantly spat on Pak Lah: "Who says there is no money? There is still money in Petronas and EPF." I felt like strangling him when he mentioned EPF.
After all, was this not what Mahathir had done in the past when he was both Prime Minister and Finance Minister? Read Barry Wain's book, "The Malaysian Maverick." Otherwise, where did the money come that went into the bottomless pits of his P legacy - Perwaja, Proton, Putrajaya? I wonder if you can add more P's to the Mahathir legacy.
If he has no intentions to topple Najib, why is he repeating what he did to Pak Lah? I believe there is more to come.
Amnesia, who says so?
Although he can easily excuse himself as suffering from amnesia, when he keeps repeating the same thing over and over again, there is only one reason. It is not amnesia.
After his son, Mukhriz failed to garner support for the post of vice-presidency, he has been attacking Najib. One by one, pro-Umno bloggers are also attacking Najib.
There can only be one reason: that he wants his son to be the next prime minister of Malaysia.
Mahathir had used Najib to topple Abdullah Badawi. Najib may not realise that he was nothing but a puppet on the string in the hands of his master, but history is likely to repeat itself, until of course, Mukhriz has ascended to become the prime minister.
This is the conclusion that one can make based on what Mahathir had said. All the pieces put together¸ he is saying that Anwar is only fit to be a Menteri Besar, while his son was worthy of premiership.
After kicking out Najib, Muhyiddin steps in, and another Vice President is picked to be Deputy Prime Minister. When Muhyiddin's time is up, he would then replace Muhyiddin, and his son by then would have risen to Vice Presidency.
It could have happened much earlier, but no thanks to Umno's money politics, he said, that's why his son lost. In other words, his son would have won the Umno vice presidency if not for the money politics used by those who beat his son out of the race. There is no amnesia in this whole thing. It is sheer brutal politics played by Dr Mahathir until he achieves his goal.
He is reminding Najib that when he shed crocodile tears after the 1999 General Election, he was passing on the leadership of the nation to the younger generation.
But, he merely said he was going to resign and hand over the premiership to younger leaders, but did he leave office? The excuse was that the people wanted him to remain in office, but who were these few people?
If he cares to remember, the entire country was waiting for this Mamak to step down. The proof is in the GE11 in 2004, when Pak Lah was given the highest mandate never ever enjoyed by the Mamak himself.
Amnesia or no amnesia, Dr Mahathir is out with a dagger to go after his progeny, the way Pak Lah was not spared of his backstabbing. In the coming months, we can only expect to see more of his plot unveiled. - Malaysia Chronicle

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