Sunday, February 2, 2014

PM Sir, after Kangkong, please lower ASTRO and toll charges

PM Sir, after Kangkong, please lower ASTRO and toll charges
LETTER Retired couples have all the time in the world to do things at a slower pace. Now that all the grandchildren are back at school, we have more leisure time. Our simple breakfast in the mornings sometimes takes more than an hour to finish, talking about all the important events in more than half a century of life in beautiful Malaysia.
Being from two different ethnic groups, our discussions are usually informative, interesting, and sometimes with emotions of happiness, pride and regret.
Before independence though Malayans were very conscious of their race identities, they did not cross the boundaries to interfere into the affairs of other races and religions. Even an incident when the pig, that was being slaughtered at a Chinese temple, escaped and ran into our Muslim homes in Jalan Pahang, was settled with simple apologies and smiles all round. Those days there were healthy competitions among race-based local football clubs like Sultan Suleiman Club from Kg. Baru, SCRC from Pudu and Selangor Indians from Kg. Attap.
The only day of tension every year was when the procession of Maulidur Rasul celebrations (a working day), went from Kg. Baru to Masjid Jame, passing through many KL roads. This tension was more for the state of affairs of the Malays when compared to other races. All businesses along the route in KL were Chinese and Indian-owned. The silent remorse and shame we felt was for our state of affairs and for letting down our leader the Prophet, the acknowledged greatest person of all times.
In comparison, after independence, our official Mauludur Rasul celebrations are like the victory parades of the Roman Emperors, with our twitch of singing praise of our beloved Prophet. Though the Ustaz speaker at this year’s official celebration was very forceful, humorous and to the point, I wish he had included some of the best parts of the Prophet’s life and Hadiths as examples for interracial and religious unity, which we need very badly.
When I watched the movie ‘The Messenger’ about the Prophet’s life, one dialogue statement in it made me proud that Islam is indeed the true faith. “The perfect Muslim is not perfect, If he eats until he is full and yet leaves his neighbours hungry”.  I can replace food hunger with education hunger, 7% discount for house hunger, and other race privileges we have in Malaysia, for the last 56 years. I wish our Muslim leaders, remember this when they overplay the privilege issue. At least let us fix the number of times an individual can enjoy this race privileges, which cost the nation heavily when there is failure. Muslims, as true followers of the Prophet, should be an example to justify what Allah says in the Quran in Ch.21:108,”And We have sent thee not but as a mercy for ALL people.”
Since the last fuel price hike, we (wife and I) embarked on a cost saving drive. My pension is the only income we have and that too is nearing the point for BRIM hand-outs. We strictly do not want to burden our children who also face the rising costs. Being brought up in families which lived from hand to mouth, we learned many lessons from our parents. We have learnt how to tighten our belts.
During the war, I remember drinking green tea because we used sugarcane juice instead of sugar. Our meals were 20% rice and 80% tapioca. Our vegetables were all home grown in the small space near the house. The occasional chicken curry was from what we reared. These chickens were also sold as a source of income during difficult days. After the war, we moved house every few years to find cheaper accommodation. My wife too had a humble beginning in a village. Seven, lived in a two room village house, with no piped water and electricity.
Our cost cutting measures began with reduction in wastage in the use of electricity for lighting and home appliances, use of water and the phone. We even manage the proper use, care and control of stationary goods especially ball-point pens and pencils. We will use the previous bills to compare our achievements every month. The grandchildren, who spend the daylight hours with us, are the key factors for the success in this saving.
From the third quarter of 2013, we started planting a variety of vegetables in the small plot of land, plastic pots and plant boxes. I cannot express the happiness of enjoying the continuous vegetables and fruits in a very short time. The few minutes in the garden every day is a joy. As senior citizens, we feel useful again.
We have become more conscious of value for money at restaurants. We both love to drink tea without sugar, but we pay full rate for our sugarless tea because of poor enforcement.  As senior citizens our food intake is very little, in fact, one packed rice or nasi lemak is more than enough for both of us. We only patronize the few restaurants and food courts which have lower food prices. I wish supermarkets can have a 5% permanent discount for all senior citizens to make us exercise by going on frequent shopping trips.
The most difficult trimming area was our ASTRO bills because our present bills, for our two smart cards are simply mind blowing.
Smart card #1, which I use for watching only 12 channels out of the 74 channels for which I have to pay, RM 126 per month. I have stopped watching cricket because it is not included in the sports channel group, while golf which I do not watch is included.
Smart card #2, my wife uses to watch 4/6 Dynasty channels, and my grandchildren watch Kids 2/6 and 3/6 variety shows (total 9 channels) but we have to pay RM 95 for the 62 channels provided in this group.
The family package with 40 channels, where all the government free channels are located, is a must for all smart cards including those in the same and adjacent room. It is very difficult to reduce ASTRO bills because of the above manipulative channels and billing methods where ASTRO makes more ‘haram’ money for unused services.
As an example of ASTROs billing system, imagine, a restaurant where foods are grouped into (a) starters with many types of papadam and keropoks (b) cereals, such as rice, tosaichapattis, bread and roti canai , (c) meat dishes like chicken, beef and mutton, (d) sea food like fish, prawn, squids, cockles and crabs, (e) a variety of leafy vegetables,  (f) fruity vegetables, (g) liquid drinks including plain water, hot drinks, juices and canned drinks. If you eat one dish from each group, this restaurant will charge for all the dishes served in the restaurant. For example, if you drink plain water, you will pay for all the other drinks like, tea, coffee, juice and even beer, if available in the menu. The restaurant does not care that beer is haram for Muslims. ASTRO too does not care that the different methods of cooking, pork or beef shown, is not proper for Muslim and Hindu homes. How can our leaders and society allow this kind of unethical billing?
We are also concerned about the national security issues because ASTRO is a private company, with its only objective to make money. All our official government TV stations are at the mercy of ASTRO for transmission. We can’t ignore the subtle influence and agenda of mass media. I have already given enough examples of what Zee TV is doing to mould Indian society.
Even toll companies are also guilty of ASTRO type of charging. Join the tolled highway at Eastin and travel less than a kilometre in the now MRT-scarred backyard road and pay the same toll as someone coming the whole distance. These price hikes have opened our eyes to so many ‘haram’ payments we are making silently.
We decided that we cannot trust the words, promises and logic of our leaders because what we read a bout them, in the social media is really frightening. From our 4th PM onwards, we have leaders who have been less open about many things. Everything they implement, has an angle to enrich themselves or their proxies, who are cronies and some evil money worshipping supporters, all protected by the OSA. Even the blueprint for ASTRO and tolls, types of blood sucking billing started in the 4th PM’s era.
There is one consolation for all Malaysians who face hardship because of these price hikes. Heaven is assured for you because in Islam, the perpetuator of the sin or crime pays, the victim and family in the next world for all the hardship and pain caused. This compensation may include the perpetuator’s virtues and good deeds marks be given to the victims. We know that Malaysia’s problems have been caused by many of the corrupt officials and leaders. We, ordinary citizens are the innocent victims, whom Allah will surely compensate for the sufferings. - Harakahdaily

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