Sunday, April 27, 2014

'Najib has neutralised Anwar's clout on US'

Umno-owned daily Utusan Malaysia boasts that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has successfully neutralised Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's influence on the US as its president Barack Obama enters his second day visiting Malaysia.

"Perhaps many do not realise that Najib has neutralised much of Anwar's influence on the US.

"Amid years of lobbying and demonising of the Malaysian government by Anwar and opposition activists, the US administration is growing more confident of Najib," said Awang Selamat, a pseudonym used by Utusan Malaysia to express its editorial stance.

The commentary which appeared in Mingguan Malaysia, the weekend edition of Utusan Malaysia, said Najib had worked hard for the country while Anwar (right) was busy inciting the world, especially the US to pressure and punish Malaysia.

"Awang believes the Obama administration is wise in evaluating between Najib and the opposition leader which is now facing moral and integrity issues," it said.

The newspaper said people were "relieved" that Obama snubbed Anwar who is desperate to save himself after being convicted of sodomy by the Court of Appeal in March and sentenced to five years in jail.

Utusan praised Obama for his non-interventionist methods which differed from past US presidents.

"(Former) US vice president Al Gore's speech at the Apec summit in Kuala Lumpur in 1998 still rings in Awang's ears as he bought into Anwar's incitement. Malaysians would like to forget this episode," it said.

The daily said certain disagreements such as over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), were no obstacles to better relations, as proven in trade ties with the US and its assistance in the search for the missing Malaysia AIrlines Flight MH370.

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