Thursday, April 10, 2014

Pakatan stages walkout after two MPs ejected

PARLIAMENT Pakatan Rakyat MPs have staged a walkout en masse from the Parliament today after two of their MPs were ejected by speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia for contesting and seeking an explanation from the speaker.

Gombak MP Azmin Ali, from PKR, was booted when he sought an explanation persistently from Pandikar for the latter’s decision to prioritise government affairs and not allow Azmin’s motion to condemn three judges to be placed high up the order paper.

PAS’ Sepang MP Hanipa Maidin was also booted when he tried to raise a standing order as the debate regarding the speaker’s refusal to accommodate the unprecedented motion by Azmin, signed by 63 MPs, heated up.

This prompted a mass walkout from Pakatan MPs who were already unhappy with the speaker.

Shortly before leaving the House, Bukit Gelugor MP Karpal Singh sternly told the speaker, “Don’t play play with the constitution.”

[More to follow]

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