Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wan Junaidi apologises for 'shut resorts' remark

PARLIAMENT Deputy Home Minister Wan Junaidi Wan Jaafar today apologised to all Sabahans if his remark to close down resorts off the Sabah east coast had offended them.

However he insisted that his statement was misinterpreted by the media.

Speaking in Parliament today, Wan Junaidi took a moment to explain his remark after a fellow BN parliamentarian, Kalabakan's Abdul Ghapur Salleh, criticised Wan Junaidi for it.

"I said, if I could have it my way, I would close down all the resorts in the red zone area. But we cannot, because it is a key part of the tourism infrastructure.

"But the last part was omitted, only the first part was quoted," Wan Junaidi said.

"I have no problem, I apologise to all Sabahans, even though I wast was misrepresented," he added.

[More to follow]

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