Friday, May 2, 2014

RED ALERT FOR NAJIB: The people's wish for change HAS NOT WAVERED since GE13

RED ALERT FOR NAJIB: The people's wish for change HAS NOT WAVERED since GE13
The tens of thousands of Malaysians who donned red T-shirts on May Day to register their disagreement with the BN-styled government over the intended implementation of GST has much to say.
To begin with, even the media is overwhelmed with the record turnout. On the web we read of 15,000 crowds; some printed 40,000 and in one case it read 100,000. And keeping to tradition, the government media will probably give another extreme headcount.
The point that any media cannot discount is that people did come from far and near, despite all the warnings. They came and choked the streets like never before. They chose to boldly don red T-shirts signaling a warning to the powers that be.
Thankfully the police have learnt to let wisdom prevail which explains their sudden shift to help facilitate crowd control instead of the previous practices of chemical-laced water-canons; shouting, screaming orders as they gave chase in every alley; and cordoning areas with military-grade barbs.
At least they are wiser than a particular Trade Union that dished out a stern threat that civil servants who participated in this ‘Red Alert’ would face the music.
A salute to our wiser cops!
Umno leaders seem all out to make themselves & the Malays look stupid
It is a pity. For a political party that never failed to garner absolute support for over half a century, it is now completely blind and deaf to the numerous opportunities offered by the citizens. Hence, May-Day’s “red alert” may in all probability be the last saving grace for BN.
But even then the leaders of BN seem to only remain more brazen.
The Prime Minister of Malaysia is fighting a battle on what appears to be a quicksand battleground. While he celebrated far up in the almost forgotten tiny, northern State on International Labor day, preaching that civil servants are the pillars of the government, he could not be in the Federal Capital to champion Labor Day.
Najib Razak needs to know that while he may be taking shield beneath these ‘pillars of strength’, the very corner stone of governance – the citizens, are swinging more and more to the alternative hope of seeing change in a country fraught with so many cases and allegations of corruption, fraud, declining standards and mismanagement.
Beneath the sea of red that was painting the streets of Kuala Lumpur, lies a strong message that voters are getting tired and impatient.
Amidst this year’s May Day event, the 52% of voter-population who cast their signature-vote for the opposition in 2013, could in all probability have gone up even notches more.
To make matters worse for Najib is the CheDet fuel being pumped up (by former premier Mahathir Mohamad) without discrimination. So, the BN-led government should not just keep blaming the citizens or the opposition or even trying to crucify Anwar Ibrahim.
Question UMNO’s own members lah!
And it's not a Chinese-Indian revolt against Ketuanan Melayu: M'sians want to save M'sia
Another significant revelation in the ‘Red Alert’ is that warning that the citizens are not going to let their country go to waste. The fact that they assembled peacefully and left without any violent behavior cannot be translated as timidity.
On the contrary, the ‘Red Alert’ sends a clear signal that either BN shapes up or end up being shipped out. And mind you it not anymore a ‘Chinese tsunami’ or an ‘Indian revolt’. The extraordinary large numbers of Malays participating in the protest assembly must clearly tell BN that ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ is no more saleable in a transforming Malaysia.
Anyone who opposes the BN-led government is not an enemy of the State. The tens of thousands who congregated peacefully with a ‘Red Alert’ message clearly showed that they will save the nation and its sovereignty at all costs.
Anyone who cannot read all these signs of the times deserves to only perish and has themselves to blame.
Indeed the ‘Red Alert’ has rooted in Malaysia. - MAILBAG

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