Monday, June 2, 2014

GST means more development in rural areas, says PM Najib

Rural folk would benefit from increased development allocations for their areas with the implementation of the goods and services tax (GST) from next year, said Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today.

He said with the implementation of GST, the government would be able to increase its revenue which could then be channelled for development purposes, especially in the rural areas.

"When our revenue is increased, a big portion of it will be used to build rural roads, schools, hospitals and health clinics," Najib said at a Gawai Dayak celebration in Long Silat, a Kenyah village, in Baram, Sarawak.

He said the rural communities needed not worry about the propaganda of the opposition, out to instigate them to go against the implementation of GST.

"I wish to give the assurance here that the people's daily essentials will be exempted from GST," he said.

[More to follow]

- Bernama

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