Tuesday, July 1, 2014

BIG IN SIZE, SMALL IN SKILLS: The sorry state of Najib's DYSFUNCTIONAL cabinet

BIG IN SIZE, SMALL IN SKILLS: The sorry state of Najib's DYSFUNCTIONAL cabinet
Dato’ Seri Liow Tiong Lai might be walking on cloud nine these days, but he should not get too comfortable.
The newly appointed transport minister has only half of the power left compared to his predecessor Dr Ling Liong Sik. Liow inherited a transport ministry that its major power stripped off and placed under Prime Minister’s Department as Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD).
Public transport is a major issue that affects lives for millions of Malaysians. SPAD controls taxis, buses, LRT and other forms of public transport. Without the power of SPAD, transport minister is severely handicapped. SPAD is placed firmly in the hands of Prime Minister via UMNO veteran Syed Hamid Albar. Worse, the SPAD chief is accorded with minister’s status, same status as Liow.
Government Fragmented
This is not an isolated case. Take for example the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Ministry, providing affordable housing in this country is no longer placed under this ministry. For years, Syarikat Perumahan Nasional Bhd (SPNB) is the main driver to provide affordable housing, but it is placed under EPU within Prime Minister’s Department. For unknown reasons, SPNB too has been sidelined. The Prime Minister now created another giant agency called PR1MA which is also placed under Prime Minister’s Department. Therefore, ministry of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government has left with little power to provide housing to take care of the wellbeing of Malaysians.
Let’s look at another main agenda for the Malaysian Government - creating an innovative and scientific Malaysian society. This objective is clear but implementation is again fragmented. Powers of Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry has been diluted so much into the hands of PM’s Department through Agensi Innovasi Malaysia (AIM), a GLC called Cradle and recently launched Malaysian Global Innovation and Creative Center (MAGIC). So, it is not much that the minister can do.
These agencies are not cheap. The CEO of AIM ‘s salary, allowance and bonus is approximately RM69,000 a month. The CEO of SPAD is paid yearly salary of RM480,000, yearly allowance of RM 162,000 and bonus of RM60,000 or equivalent to RM 51,833 a month. CEO of TalentCorp is paid RM30,000 a month and car allowance of RM5,000 which comes to about RM420,000 yearly.
These are just tips of the iceberg. Huge amount of public fund is needed every year to run these agencies. Malaysians should ask how many agencies do we need to run this country? How to coordinate new agencies with existing ones and their interdepartmental politics?
It was revealed recently that some companies have been taking different government grants from various agencies for the same technology project proposal. It shows that our agencies don’t talk to each other, therefore enabling companies to take advantage of a fragmented government.
So, Mr. Prime Minister, your cabinet is fragmented, bloated and dysfunctional.
Cabinet Bloated and Expensive
Prime Minister Najib has the largest XXL cabinet in the history of Malaysia with 35 ministers and 27 deputy ministers compared to Tun Abdullah’s cabinet of 29 ministers. Arguably, Prime Minister Najib yields the most powers as head of state compared to other world leaders because he is also Finance Minister and 10 ministers work in Prime Minister’s Department. In fact, an astonishing 20 Members of Parliament or former MPs work in Prime Minister’s department heading various portfolios and agencies. Many of them have ministerial status.
To put things into perspective, the President of United States only has 15 cabinet ministers. Najib’s cabinet is too large and bloated for a small country like us.
With such a large cabinet, new agencies are being created for new ministers with their new ideas and pet projects. However, few agencies have ever been closed down. Take for example, if PR1MA is the new driver for affordable housing, why hasn’t SPNB been integrated into PR1MA? If MAGIC is the new center for Innovation and Creativity, why is our government still keeping Agensi Innovasi Malaysia (AIM)?
At the rate we are going, Najibs’ cabinet will only keep growing in size and country’s budget deficit continue soaring.
Cabinet Dysfunctional
Even with more cabinet ministers, Najib’s Cabinet has made fewer decisions than ever before. Since GE13, Malaysia is left on autopilot and it has long headed into wrong direction. Right wing NGOs and government agencies are left unhampered to create racial and religion tensions, with the Cabinet taking no firm stand.
IGP openly defied court order on child custody issue and Prime Minister did nothing. MAIS openly defied order from Attorney General’s office, ignoring 10 points solution from Cabinet and faced deafening silence from our bloated cabinet.
Right wing NGOs wanted to behead those who disagree with them, but again our Prime Minister said nothing. He can’t even take action against a racially provocative Chinese-convert professor in a government university!
Opinion polls as of March 2014 showed that only 38% thought the country is heading into the right direction. As high as 56% of Malaysians were dissatisfied with the Government in handling the economy. Prime Minister’s approval rating has dropped by a whopping 10% since GE13, barely a year ago.
A cabinet as big as 35 ministers will not solve the real problems in this country. Prime Minister’s complete lack of leadership will place this country further into anxiety and uncertainty. The real test of the cabinet is leadership.
Sim Tze Tzin is the Bayan Baru MP
这明显是一种浪费公款的做法,我们还需要用多少的金钱去维持这些功能重叠的机构呢?内阁如何协调这些机构重叠的权利架构?部长如何解决跨部门的政治因素?根据近期媒体的报道,一些私人企业在同样的科技计划上,获得好几个政府机构的补助。这些机构都没有良好沟通,所以私人企业就利用政府不协调的弱点,来谋取利益。 臃肿及散乱是首相纳吉的内阁的困境。

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