Tuesday, July 1, 2014

NAME FINALLY REVEALED! Malaysian diplomat accused of sex attack in NZ to be tried by military court

NAME FINALLY REVEALED! M'sian diplomat accused of sex attack in NZ to be tried by military court
UPDATE2 KUALA LUMPUR - Like it or not, the Malaysian government's reputation for political intrigue and cover-ups has preceded the nation.
There is fear and outrage in New Zealand that a Malay diplomat accused of sexual attack with intention to rape might be allowed to escape full punishment.
It led the NZ media to successfully challenge a suppression order, and the Malay diplomat can now be named. He has been identified as being Muhammad Rizalman bin Ismail.
Previously, the NZ press could not even reveal the name of the nation he represented.
Rizalman, reported to be in his 30s, had fled New Zealand where he had been detained for allegedly following a 21-year-old woman to her house, then sexually assaulting her. He was also charged with burglary over the same incident.
Rizalman, who is listed on the Malaysian High Commission website as being a Staff Assistant (Defence), had invoked diplomatic immunity following his arrest on May 9.
M'sian minister says OK with extradition but quick to add in a caveat
Meanwhile, Malaysian foreign minister Anifah Amanhas insisted it was NZ authorities who suggested that Rizalman be deported.
The minister said he had no qualms sending Rizalman back to face charges for burglary and sexual assault in New Zealand, but was quick to add in the caveat of “if we think it is best to do so”.
“When New Zealand sends a request as they think investigations are not done properly (in Malaysia), we will consider it,” Anifah told a press conference on Tuesday.
He revealed that Rizalman is currently undergoing psychiatric tests by the Defence Ministry, where he is attached, and if found guilty, will have action taken against him by the Military Court in Malaysia.
Anifah however was unable to give details as to what kind of punishment would await Rizalman.
'He should be held to account'
Foreign affairs minister Murray Mccully (Source: ONE News)
Foreign affairs minister Murray Mccully - Source: ONE News
Amid public outrage and growing anger, NZ media had taken the case to court. They challenged the suppression order on his identity and the identity of his home nation.
The NZ media were supported by their foreign affairs minister Murray Mccully.
"I can't see any public policy reason why the suppression orders should remain," Mr McCully was reported as saying on Tuesday.
"It's normally done to protect a fair trial and there won't be a trial (in New Zealand)."
Mr McCully said New Zealand has made clear to the diplomat's home country that the man should be held to account.
Malaysia REJECTED request for immunity to be waived
According to TVNZ, the High Court this afternoon lifted the suppression order on the diplomat, who has since fled the country using diplomatic immunity.
The Malaysian government rejected a request from New Zealand for diplomatic immunity to be waived so the man could face trial here.
TVNZ and other media organisations challenged the suppression order with an urgent hearing this afternoon at the High Court in Wellington.
Foreign Minister Murray McCully has already expressed his support for the lifting of the suppression, saying there was no justification for it given the man is not likely to face trial here.
It's understood that the Malaysian government may be holding a news conference at 4pm today to address the case.
Wellington police laid charges of burglary and assault with intent to rape after the man allegedly followed a 21-year-old woman home and assaulted her last month. But he claimed diplomatic immunity and returned to Malaysia. - Malaysia Chronicle
List of Officers and Staff taken from the website of the Malaysian High Commission in Wellington
Her Excellency Mrs. Rosmidah Zahid
High Commissioner
Mr. James Koh
Counsellor (Political & Economic) / Head of Chancery
Lt. Col. Shaari Baba
Defence Advisor (DA)
Mr. Mohd Erfino Johari
Counsellor / Director, Education Malaysia New Zealand (EMNZ)
Mrs. Noor Azlin Adnan
First Secretary (Education & Training) - Public Service Dept. (PSD / JPA)
Mrs. Suraya Sari Abd Aziz
Education Attache, Education Malaysia New Zealand (EMNZ)
Mr. Lukman Sayuti
Second Secretary (Administration/Finance/Consular)
Mrs. Jamilah Mohd
Personal Assistant to the High Commissioner
WO II Muhammad Rizalman Ismail
Staff Assistant (Defence)
Mrs. Nora Ismail
Personal Assistant (PSD/JPA)

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