Sunday, July 27, 2014

Ibrahim Ali hopping mad over dogs at Glasgow

Malay-rights lobbyist Perkasa today ticked off Scotland, host of the 2014 Commonwealth Games, for using Scottie dogs to parade the names of each participating country in the currently ongoing games.

Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali took issue with the opening ceremony at the Celtic Stadium last week, in which dogs wearing a pad displaying the country's name preceded each contingent in the march past.

"We are an Islamic country. The organisers are insensitive and insolent," he said in his usual style.

"I am expressing my regret and the disrespectful attitude of the hosts and organisers," he said further.

Ibrahim's dissatisfaction may have been prompted by an article published inThe Herald Scotland today, which featured how 40 Scottie dogs were employed in the parade.

Of the 71 nations and territories at the 20th Commonwealth Games, Malaysia's name was mentioned in the article because the dog assigned to it refused to walk.

It was the only Scottie that had to be carried around the stadium.

On a brighter note, Malaysia got its first gold medal since the games began last Thursday.

Bernama reported that national weightlifter Mohd Hafifi Mansor clinched the gold medal in the men's weighlifting 69kg category last night.

Mohd Hafifi, 24, lifted a total 305kg - 135kg in the Snatch and 170kg in the clean and jerk in the final at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre Precint.

Another national weightlifter Mohammad Huzairi Ramli finished in fifth place with a total lift of 290kg.

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