Friday, August 29, 2014

PAS unhappy with Adenan’s statements

The people should support parties led by locals who can play a role as a check and balance on the current administration.
adenan satim pakatanBINTULU: PAS Sarawak has taken Chief Minister Adenan Satem to task for allegedly indulging in the politics of distraction and disruption through rhetorical statements instead of focusing on the welfare of the people.
PAS Youth Sarawak Deputy Head Zharudin Narudin described Adenan’s statements on peninsular-based political parties as embarrassing and the continuing rhetoric on the oil issue as lacking in substance.
“If Adenan wants PAS, DAP and PKR to stay out of Sarawak, as a Sarawakian I too want the BN component parties to dissolve themselves and set up truly local parties,” said Zharudin in a statement deploring the closed nature of Adenan’s statements.
“Adenan is involved with peninsular parties like Umno, MCA and MIC.”
What’s important are the rights of the people, revenue sharing, and the oil royalty among other issues, he added.
He urged the people to support parties, no matter their origin, as long as they are led by locals.
These parties, he stressed, would play a role as a check and balance on the current administration.
PAS, he said, would continue to bring the essence of Islamic thought to the people of Sarawak under its programme, UNTUKMU SARAWAK as spelt out in the website:

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