Monday, April 27, 2015

GREATEST LOVE STILL TO COME: Najib should be VERY FRIGHTENED at how much Dr M 'loves' him

GREATEST LOVE STILL TO COME: Najib should be VERY FRIGHTENED at how much Dr M 'loves' him
‘Too bad for Najib, he doesn't know how to fight back.’
Vijay47: We are presently witnessing a master conniving hypocrite in his element. I carry no torch for PM Najib Razak but former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad's protestations of outrage and concern against Najib's failings merely reflect the former politician's selfishness and commitment to self-preservation clothed in some nationalistic objectives.
Riding the paradoxical popular revulsion to Najib's rule, Mahathir employs every cheap cunning trick in the book, comparing his saintly self with the satanic Najib. He would want us to believe his gracious grateful side, thus the liberal mention of Najib’s father, second PM Abdul Razak Hussein.
Then, true to his Machiavellian soul, he speaks, several times, of wife and murder, hastening to add that this is merely a figure of speech and no malice is intended to anyone. Spice all of these by referring to an obscenely extravagant wedding and voila, the angel exposes the devil.
The multitudes seem to be eagerly falling for it and as schemed by him, his own sins and scandals fade into the background or even vanish.
Abasir: So we now know that Najib and that woman were foisted on Malaysia all because Mahathir felt indebted to the father.
This was just one of his many decisions that have brought this country to that of a failed state. Will Malays and Malay-wannabes who are still rooting for Mahathir ever wake up?
This is the take-home message to Najib from Mahathir: Resign now to save the party from impending defeat.
Defeat will lead to the new government launching investigations into all the crimes committed by Umno. Go now if the crimes committed by Umno are to remain hidden.
Real Truth: What Mahathir is implying is that if Najib continues to rule and face the next GE, Umno is sure to lose due to mismanagement of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which affects the disposable income of many poor Malaysians and Mahathir wants to prevent Najib being charged after the opposition takes over the government.
Hence Mahathir is a very charitable person who wants a win-win situation where all the misdeeds of the present leadership will be forgotten once Najib vacates his PM’s post.
This is also to protect himself too, because who knows he may also be charged for misusing his powers.
Turvy: These are hollow words from a man who has committed elemental destruction of this country. The smart-alec talk, the mock humility and the raising of virtues that have been stifled go beyond cynicism to pure evil.
Anonymous_1396929433: Dr M, you have taken a cheap shot at Najib. Do not forget that Malaysian are not stupid and can read between the lines.
Conversely you appear to defend Sirul Azhar Umar, a convicted murderer, that he should not be hung if someone orders him to do it. You are fishing for motive but motive is never an ingredient for a murder charge.
By taking this cheap shot, all gloves are off. Your billion ringgit bailouts of your cronies make you no better than Najib.
Chung Kuo Hsien: How to explain the innuendo and the disclaimer? Something will give and our former premier will be sued or worse. But that's probably exactly what he is going for.
Warrant Addict: In July 1993, Batu Talam state assemblyman Mazlan Idris went missing after approaching Maznah Ismail, also famously known as Mona Fandey, and her husband Mohd Affandi Abdul Rahman for supernatural help to boost his political career.
He was persuaded by the couple to take part in a ritual in which he was to lay on the floor with his eyes closed waiting for the money to "fall from the sky."
No money fell; instead it was the blade of an axe.
Joe Lee: This is like pointing the finger at Najib, and then saying, "I am not pointing the finger at him." It's clear that this old fox wants to smother Najib to death with his 'love'.
The evil fox knows his prey is weak, and he wants to push it into the deathly corner. He then intends to unsheath his hidden keris, and quickly stabs the prey in the heart.
Too bad for Najib, with all his police-state machinery, Special Branch, the backing of nearly all his Umno divisions, he doesn't know how to fight back. He should visit his father's grave, and ask old Razak what he should do.
Old Razak, being an even more cunning fox than Mahathir, would surely advise his son to stiffen up, and take the battle straight to the former strongman.
Mahathir sent one dozen of fully armed policemen in balaclava to arrest and see off Anwar in 1998. Najib should get his IGP (inspector-general of police) to get ready 100 of his best military police, and then go in heavily to shock-and-awe and arrest Mahathir.
Then get the same judges who crucified Anwar recently to him put away.
Anonymous_1421406986: Mahathir made some strong accusations against Najib and his wife, and camouflaged it with his sentimental indebtedness to Abdul Razak.
We don't really know the intent of Mahathir. Did he make as direct an accusation, as a former PM calling for the authorities to act or investigate, or is he stirring the raykat's wrath to destroy Umno and BN.
If this man has any love for Abdul Razak's son, he should have invited the top cop to his home to file a report of his suspicion based on what he has heard and gathered. You don't necessarily have to gather a crowd and speak in riddles.
He is doing exactly what he did to Anwar, who is languishing in prison now. It is time for Najib to court Anwar's friendship to expose the true colours of Mahathir. Mahathir is not doing this as a national favour but to serve his own hidden agenda.
I think Najib is fully aware about this. I think Najib should move to bury Mahathir with his lies and deceits. Release Anwar now.
Mushiro: Yes, Mahathir's plans are anything but noble. While it is true that Najib should go, Najib should not be allowed to get away with his many crimes. For that matter, even Mahathir should not be allowed to get away with his crimes.
If Mahathir's plans were to replace a useless Najib with a less useless Muhyiddin Yassin, then he is heading in the wrong direction. Malaysia needs a complete revamp.
Fair Play: The screws are definitely tightening. Now Dr M has graduated from going around the bush to going for the jugular by insinuating that the “loved one” had committed murder. Next he would probably name names. - M'kini

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