Monday, April 27, 2015

'PLAY BACKSIDE' Zahid & Shahrizat: Twin beacons of morality for Muslims in Malaysia?

'PLAY BACKSIDE' Zahid & Shahrizat: Twin beacons of morality for Muslims in M'sia?
It is certainly not a joke. How come the audience seems to be entertained to the statements made by Zahid (Home Mnister) and Sharizat (former UMNO Wanita Chief)? Why did crowd burst into a "hilarious" thrill and not stage a walk-out?
It is disgusting. It is shameful. It does serious injustice to any normal, sensible and civilised human being.
At a political platform you make remarks that have double meanings and worst still, make sexual implications?
If what is being reported by several on-line portals is indeed true, then the people, UMNO leaders and civil society leaders must object and object vehemently. We cannot continue this disgrace of the Malaysian citizens. We cannot continue to put up and be thrilled by such filthy mindsets of leaders who have no shame.
Educationists, religious leaders including all those champions and protectors of religions, principle-centred professionals including heads of of our nation's institutions of ethics and integrity and justice must speak up and hold such individuals account for their filthy minds and totally unacceptable words.
The words uttered by Zahid and Sharizat are so grossly indecent that even to repeat those words here is a disgrace. Is this how our leaders should behave? Is this all that their political prowess is all about at the end of the day?
Where is our moral compass? When a Christian Cross can become a serious issue; when the use of the word 'Allah' is contentious; when rock concerts are deemed as corruting the yound minds - what do we say about leaders who appear on political and public platfoirms and spew out filth?
Is this then our trademark culture?
If yes, then let us all have a field day and take it as a pleasant and tasteful joke as we relish in such crass public deliveries. And let our schools too teach this as a skill to be embraced and cherished.
But if we truly believe in our maruah and uphold a life that is centred in the Holy Books of each believing community, then we must raise hell.Even non-believers who have commoin sense and dignity must take offence to the delivery made by Zahid and Sharizat. - MAILBAG

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