Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ibrahim Ali wants Malay rights mentioned in 'EVERY CHAPTER' of 11MP

Ibrahim Ali wants Malay rights mentioned in 'EVERY CHAPTER' of 11MP
KUALA LUMPUR - Malay rights group Perkasa urged Putrajaya today to review the 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP), complaining that the five-year development plan for the country failed to give adequate recognition to Bumiputera rights and policies.
At a press conference here, Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali claimed that only 5 per cent of the plan recognises the rights of the country’s dominant community.
“We did not deny that there are chapters in the plan that includes strategies on Malay or Bumiputera survival. But it is too general,” Ibrahim said.
“Also, the six core strategies and six game changers they touched on did not speak specifically on Bumiputeras. It may lead them to stray from the national agenda when implementing it.”
Ibrahim then urged Putrajaya and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to review the plan and ensure that its content pays more attention to the Bumiputera agenda.
This includes adding “a clause or phrase related to Malays or Bumiputera in all chapters”, he said.
According to the 11MP tabled recently in Parliament, Putrajaya is targeting to have at least 60 per cent of the country’s available high-skill jobs taken up by Bumiputeras by the year 2020.
It also targets a minimum 30 per cent Bumiputera ownership of corporate equities.
At least 90 per cent of the country’s Bumiputera population should own their own homes by 2020, the 11MP says.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced last January that Putrajaya has allocated a total of RM78 million for three Bumiputera economic empowerment initiatives.
In 2013, Najib announced a list of over RM31 billion in various loans, contracts and programmes that will be made available to Bumiputera, to strengthen their economic participation and boost their ownership of commercial property. - Malay Mail

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