Wednesday, June 17, 2015

DOOMED BY NAJIB, ROSMAH EXCESSES: Finally, Umno's political monopoly ends...

DOOMED BY NAJIB, ROSMAH EXCESSES: Finally, Umno's political monopoly ends...
Times are very challenging. Every neighboring nation and every investor, including lenders, are watching Malaysia very closely. Meanwhile, righteous and honorable Malaysians will continue to find it hard to stand tall before their foreign friends, professionals and business counterparts without cringing at the probing questions they are to fend for themselves given the political mess the country is in.
At some point we will have to come out of this web of lies, ugly power struggles and a failing political landscape.
Our politicians who are now struggling with an outdated political mantra and blinkerred believe systems should seriously take a hard look at themselves. Here is a possible political roadmap, or The Ten Commandments if you like, that could well serve those who are convinced that they were born, bred and destined to be politicians.
Firstly, you have to aspire to be career politician. Which means serving the rakyat professionally is your mindset and motivator. You demonstrate this by your lifestyle testimony. Essentially you survive on your salaries and government approved perks and nothing more.
Secondly, getting involved in businesses is a red zone. You cannot claim to be a politician if you are engaging in business deals in person or through proxies. Playing the stock market is also banned for you. Your sole business is nation building by serving the rakyat who will attain all the successes that are associated with a progressive nation.
You enable. You facilitate. You monitor and ensure that there is a level playing field for the rakyat.
Third, stay out of the race and religion turfs. We have the Rulers and religious heads who are the vanguards and guardians of religion. We have the Constitution that guarantees citizens their rightful claims.
Your job -- mind you it is 'job' not entitlement please, is to keep building a one nation of people. If you cannot resist using race and religion as your political currency to stay in power, you must be banned from staying on in politics.
Fourth, you must be qualified and knowledgeable before taking on a portfolio within the Cabinet. If you think that coming from grassroots or even talking tough is sufficient for you to lead a particular portfolio or ministry, you are already a dinosaur and therefore need to be asked to leave.
Worst, if you think just because you have some people’s support (those carrying the now infamous 'I love ...' placards), you can take on creamy portfolios, you are already doing the nation a disservice. You serve according to your qualifications, relevant experience, talent and capabilities.
Remember it is job you are hired for through the votes of the public.
Fifth, scandal and politics are like oil and water. You cannot cover your tracks in this age of communication information technology. The age of the facsimile is long since dead. Even before you wake up to read your newspapers, the world would have exposed you.
So learn fast to step down before the scandal hits the streets.
Sixth, know that power is not in your hands but at the keyboards of journalists and the fingers of citizens. In this New Age, you cannot hide. So be convinced that transparency and accountability are absolutely indispensable to continue to be retained by the people you proclaim to serve.
Seventh, you do not make laws to secure your political clout or to do battle and imprison your opponents. You champion laws that protect and enable the citizens to savor and uphold the tenets of democracy and its proven benefits.
Eight, the political believe systems of divide and rule are all long since gone with the winds of change around the globe. Today we speak a language of partnering, collaboration and empowerment. The world is a merit-based society of people. If you do not understand this basic truth, stay out of politics for life.
Ninth, be an honorable man or woman. While a politician is not a saint, he or she must be genuine. To serve and serve well must be your passion and report card. And when the time is up for you to leave, leave before you are told to go or removed with force.
Tenth, you must not only serve the rakyat but be seen to be serving them too. Walk the talk. Cut off your penchant for the trappings of high office and get down to the ground. Take the train. Drive a car. Eat with the people and not be serviced and served at VVIP tables all the time.
Do not rely on paid stooges to give you feedback. Find out yourself. If our Rulers can do it, why can’t you?
Looking at the Ten Commandments listed here, it is possible that most of our politicians will either quit politics or rebut saying, “What do you people know about the business of politics? We have been at it for over five decades here, tahu (you know)!”
Well then be prepared to perish at your own perils. Times have to change for Malaysia too. - MAILBAG

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