Wednesday, June 17, 2015

NAJIB & ROSMAH'S LEGACY OF ANTICS: Bemused but not amused, Malaysians will rise against 'terrible duo'

NAJIB & ROSMAH'S LEGACY OF ANTICS: Bemused but not amused, M'sians will rise against 'terrible duo'
The country’s political landscape has been on an over-heat mode since the last two General Elections. Presently it is already on the verge of boiling point. The risks have escalated. The liabilities will knock the daylight off any thinking, able professional. The lies have covered every nook and crevice of livelihood. The mysteries are overwhelming. But life goes on like ‘semua nya ok’ (everything is fine), here in Malaysia.
Malaysians must be the most unique species walking this planet. Their patience is a world record of sorts; their indifference is equally puzzling if not mysterious.
Yes Malaysians had taken to the streets on several occasions. They had the historic Hindraf rally drawing world attention as they sat squat like clay ducks on the roadways while being sprayed by cannons of chemical laced water.
They either participated in or stood and watched the countless street rallies dubbed as ‘Peaceful protests’ ranging from ‘Bersih’ rallies to ‘Bantah GST’ by the tens of thousands and ended up witnessing their leaders from civil society and opposition political arenas being arrested, locked up, and released after all the mocking.
The on-line portals and blogs are swarmed with expose after expose. The netizens have been choking social media with a potpourri of curses to concerns, registered.
Meanwhile, institutions like the august Parliament and the hallways of Jurisprudence have been facing an ever increasing inventory of concerns showcased, but there seems to be no respite.
PM Najib and Rosmah Mansor
Today, we are witnessing a barrage of tit-for-tat battles even between Umno members and leaders and their swearing lieutenants.
Meanwhile the unstoppable inflation is biting hard into the butt of family finances while the ringgit too continues to cascade downwards even though we are being reassured that the country’s fundamentals are in great shape.
Foreign migrant labor by the millions in the country are already complaining and whining that the exchange rate is putting pressure on their below minimum wages earned from sixteen hours of daily toil.
Yet we read, news outbreaks after outbreaks, about organizations under the thumb of politicians going all out with all kinds of weird buying sprees.
Today in the heat of potential political tornadoes in the country, as politicians are gunning each other and even training their bullets on the royal household, we are also hearing about the many hidden secrets ranging from how contracts were secured and dispensed; people hired and transactions effected; institutions paralyzed and incapacitated.
The wastage and abuse is beyond comprehension as we hear about stories of our national wealth disappearing over the decades, defying all common sense.
Literally the shit has been hitting the fan for far too long and still life seems to go on and on just like that infamous saying, ‘semuanya ok’ in Malaysia.
Wonder what will be the day be like when we wake up one morning to read that China has entered the war zone? Or when we were fast asleep the dreaded global financial collapse released its tentacles without exceptions?
With all the debts choking every aspect of governance, political well-being and our very homes, wonder too how will Malaysians walk their lives with their world record for patience accompanied by an equal measure of ignorance or apathy?
Expose after expose, and life still goes on; street rally after street rally, and nothing changes; legal suit after legal suits, still the same modus operandi remains intact. Maybe Malaysians are like this because they are sworn to the rewards of an afterlife and it matters not what happens on this earthly journey? Well, hopefully our social scientists can work on this puzzling mystery. - MAILBAG

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