Friday, June 19, 2015


So, if you think that the Malays are going to allow Pakatan Rakyat to take over you had better think again. That is not going to happen. And if by chance Pakatan Rakyat does win the next general election the Malays will do whatever it takes to stop the government from falling into Chinese hands or into the hands of Malays who are the tools of the Chinese.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
“Beware of Pak Kadir Jasin bearing gifts,” said KTemoc Konsiders today (READ HERE).
This Blog posting has to be read against the backdrop of the so, so many statements coming from PAS Team A, PAS Team B, PKR Team A, PKR Team B, DAP (Team A and Team B are not so visible but are working underground), Umno Team A and Umno Team B — and the silence from the others in Barisan Nasional plus from the mosquito parties, like PRM, PSM, Kita, etc.
Thus far I have been skirting around the main crux of the issue and have been speaking in parables. The problem with this, though, is that most Malaysians are too dumb to understand allegory. Even the Bible and Qur’an are taken literally than in the manner they should.
Anyway, fook parables, allegory and skirting around issues. Let me be direct and straight to the point minus the cheong hei or long-winded muqaddimah.
There is no fooking way the Malays are going to surrender political power. And that is Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s beef with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. Dr Mahathir fears that Umno, meaning Malays, are going to lose political power unless Najib is ousted as Prime Minister.
This is not what I say. This is what Dr Mahathir says.
Some argue that if Pakatan Rakyat takes over the Malays would still be power with PAS and PKR in Pakatan Rakyat.
No. PAS and PKR are seen merely as tools of the Chinese DAP. And the recent political goings-on in PAS, PKR and Pakatan Rakyat are proof of this. PAS and PKR must do what DAP wants or else they will get fooked good and proper.
So, if you think that the Malays are going to allow Pakatan Rakyat to take over you had better think again. That is not going to happen. And if by chance Pakatan Rakyat does win the next general election the Malays will do whatever it takes to stop the government from falling into Chinese hands or into the hands of Malays who are the tools of the Chinese.
Does this sound too harsh and too blunt? Well, at least you cannot accuse me of being cheong hei.
Now tell me, Umno, am I right or am I wrong?

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