Wednesday, June 24, 2015


The waves of global and local expose after expose of alleged money laundering, kickbacks, deforestation, dubious financial deals and purchases of prime properties and a host of scandals rock the Malaysian government under the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak who also holds the portfolio as Finance Minister.
Today, we read about how the tentacles of greed and abuse by Malaysian companies and individuals in government-appointed positions are being traced, pinned and dutifully reported in Australia, United States of America and several other on-line news portals. Suffice to say that a quick check on the worldwide web will unravel a long litany of concerns.
Not only is Malaysia being implicated but we hear of organizations with roots in Switzerland, Australia, the Middle East region, Mongolia, Singapore, Cayman island and several other locations may be complicit in this Malaysian cancer of corrupt deals, abuse of power and responsibilities and deceitful mismanagement.
What makes it most disturbing is that the vast sums of money being moved from one corner to the next - and thanks to the responsible media scoops, we are now beginning to slowly unravel the alleged (and clear cut) shocking abuses.
Even in the area of human rights Malaysia appears to be seen as non-compliant to the ratified parameters as expounded by the United Nations and the Geneva Conventions. Profiteering from slavery and cheap labor and the cases of human trafficking is just one such sporadic malaise being exposed as witnessed in the case of the fleeing Rohingay and Bangladeshi refugees.
PM Najib
The worrisome reports of extremism ranging form how non-Muslims need to conduct themselves to how Muslims need to be to reports of arrests of the dreaded ISIS militants further erodes the Malaysian track records of past decades.
Amidst all these, we hear again that the US President Barrack Obama not only courted the company of the leader of Malaysia for a buddy-golf match but is coming back to Malaysia in November 2015 to spearhead his American agenda for TPPA.
What does all these conjure?
Is the United States willing to close its eyes to the cancer of corruption and dubious deals that transgress all the tenets of democracy, justice and liberty governed by the highest notions of ethics merely to see to its own economic survival in the face of a rising China and resourceful Russia?
Even Malaysia’s former prime minister of twenty-two years, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed who was chastised by the US and Australia and even Britain for his bold and caustic affronts at home and abroad during his tenure has stuck his neck out to holler over the drowning concerns of alleged corrupt dealings and a fast vanishing 'Moderate Malaysia' that is arising from the Najib Administration.
God alone knows what other bombshells will explode on the good name and track record of a Malaysia that was once seen as the rising ‘Asian Tiger’ and praised endlessly by global communities and including thinkers like John Naisbitt.
Either the implicated nations rise to the call for transparency, accountability and good practice business ethics and moral codes of behavior to address and or account for the many issues as expressed by concerned Malaysians and in other continents or they will also be investigated by responsible media around the world.
Dr M
In this age of reason and the internet, there are no more places for recalcitrant rogues to hide. The journey that humanity has begun is one that can only keep moving forward with virtue and valor.
And on that account all honorable Malaysians – rulers and subjects, professionals and religious leaders, politicians who are untainted and civil society must come together and chisel a defining and resounding difference to free ailing Malaysia and set the nation back on a path consecrated and upheld by the world community of nations that preach, monitor and cultivate the agenda of making the world a better place for all humanity.
If we do not focus on these nobler ideals now, we will live to regret in the face of the ensuing chaos that will also lash onto the shores of ASEAN to begin with as Malaysia is taking on the Chair of the Asean Community too. the season to keep promising and talk and talk seems to be fading fast.
This Barrack Obama must honor to save his own dignity and honor and that of all American citizens as well as the democracy and rights that the US preaches to the world. - MAILBAG

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