Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Alvin slams Chinese ‘boot lickers’ for defending Muslims

Sex blogger is incensed Chinese have lambasted him for criticising hijab-wearing Muslim women
KUALA LUMPUR: Controversial sex-blogger Alvin Tan has labelled the Chinese in the country “traitors without maruah (dignity)” for coming to the defence of Muslim women who wore headscarfs after he posted scathing insults on Facebook about the latter.
“I can understand Malays getting angry over my comments on hijab-wearing Muslim women.
“What I don’t understand and cannot tolerate are those Chinese RUNNING DOGS, BOOTLICKERS, BROWN-NOSERS, and PSEUDO-HEROES who just have to comment in defence of the Malays…,” he wrote after being told off by many.
“Get off your f*****g moral high horse, okay? You’re no better than a lapdog, where is your MARUAH?”
He continued with his tongue-lashing, arguing that the Chinese had been discriminated against for decades yet were still subservient to the Malays.
“The Malays have discriminated against you for decades, and you still suck up to them.
“I can say categorically you deserve 100% of the institutional, economic, and social discrimination/racism you face in Malaysia,” he said, calling them “shameless running dogs”.
He also expressed his disgust at reading the comments posted on his Facebook page, saying, “Reading your holier-than-thou comments just makes me SICK!!!”
This Facebook posting followed a previous one in which he harshly criticised Muslim women for wearing the headscarf and long-sleeved garments that covered their aurat during sporting activities and while exercising despite the blistering weather.

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