Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Court issues arrest warrants for 5 absent GST ‘protesters’

Sessions judge threatens to revoke bail and detain future absentees pending trial.
PETALING JAYA – The Sessions Court issued three new arrest warrants and extended two more against persons accused of participating in a protest held in March against the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) for their absence from court today.
Sessions Court Judge Azhaniz Teh Azman Teh said he will not entertain excuses for the absence of those charged unless they were able to produce medical leave certificates from a government clinic or hospital.
“This is a criminal case. If they do not come the next time, I will revoke their bail and detain them until the end of trial,” he warned.
New arrest warrants were issued to Abdul Kudus Halim, Akmal Noradzmi Abd Halim and Mohd Nasaie Ismail, while warrants issued against Mohd Faisal Sabri and Azfanizam Hashim were extended.”
Five arrest warrants were issued to those who were absent on the previous mention date, June 25. Three of those who were served, namely Muhammad Faizzuddin Mohd Zai, Haarthi Somasundaram and E. Saravanen Excharpah attended court today.
Azhaniz also set Augustt 13 for case management.
“All accused must be present,” he cautioned.
Meanwhile, three accused were asked to produce their medical leave certificates to the court to justify their previous absence.
Lawyer Muhammad Zaki Sukery told that court that his client, student Faizzuddin, could not be present last Thursday as he was in the midst of examinations.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Ravindran Selvaraj prosecuted.
About 100 protestors marched to the Customs Department’s office here in Kelana Jaya on March 23 to seek answers to 106 questions regarding the GST.
While there, the protestors were barred from entering the building which resulted in a scuffle breaking out.
On March 25, twenty-five protestors, including two opposition lawmakers were charged for offences under the Peaceful Assembly Act and Penal Code.

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