Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kamalanathan roasted for ‘sponsoring’ Red Shirts

Deputy Education Minister claims that his officers sponsored the Red Shirts based on goodwill and unaware of the event.
KUALA LUMPUR: Batu Kawan MP Kasthuri Patto wants Deputy Education Minister P. Kamalanathan to apologize to all Malaysians for supporting a rally, Perhimpunan Maruah Melayu, calling for bloodshed. She also wants him to explain to all taxpayers the source of his funding for the gathering. “He has brought disrepute to his position as Member of Parliament and Deputy Minister of Education in Malaysia.”
If Kamalanathan denies that public funds were used, can Malaysians assume that the t-shirts have been sponsored by MIC or Umno? she asked. “Kamalanathan has not only shown his true colours as an advocate of hate, racism and bigotry in supporting the gathering. He sponsored t-shirts for the gathering.”
It’s disgraceful for a person in a Ministerial position to not only support and sponsor t-shirts that advocate hatred, disharmony, and disunity but also displays elements of criminal intimidation with their threats and warnings of bloodshed, she reiterated.
Kasthuri shudders to think that the office of the MP for Hulu Selangor would one day be used by “NGOs” like Tiga Line and gangs like 04 and 08 to have their meetings and only because Kamalanathan has no clue as to who or what he supports and sponsors.
The MP explained that she did give Kamalanathan the benefit of the doubt, and tweeted him for clarification on a picture of red shirts at his office with a message that they were sponsored by him. “Much to my surprise, he replied that he was aware of the picture of the red shirts and the message but claimed that his service centre officers had allocated resources and the office space without knowledge of the event but based on goodwill.”
“He must think that Malaysians are gullible enough to believe that.”
Any conscious person would be able to see the astounding level of hypocrisy and trickery when a Deputy Minister for Education blatantly contradicts himself when claiming no knowledge of the sponsorship of the t-shirts let alone use his service centre as a distribution centre, she charged.
Kasthuri said that pictures show that an officer in the Hulu Selangor Parliamentary Office service centre under Kamalanathan with heaps of red “Perhimpunan Maruah Melayu” t-shirts ready to be given away to those attending the rally on September 16, Malaysia Day, in Kuala Lumpur.
The caption below the picture was a message of gratitude to P. Kamalanathan as the MP for Hulu Selangor for sponsoring the red t-shirts for the upcoming rally “that is aggressive and sinister in nature”.
“It shows that as a person holding office, as a Member of Parliament for Hulu Selangor, he has no credibility, accountability or transparency and it is utterly humiliating that a two term MP appears to be clueless when allowing public funds and taxpayers’ money to be used for his own political mileage,” said Kasthuri. “He wants to support and sponsor a rally that is racist, intimidating and threatening in nature.”

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