Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wahai Orang B*d*h Sila Buka Mata : Escaping From A Satanic System

I was just watching CNN showing the latest developments in the Muslim refugee crisis. I say Muslim because a very large number of the refugees are Muslims, although there are christians and other people involved as well.  

There was one family from Afghanistan. I am sure there are others from Afghanistan as well. Afghans are almost 100% Muslim.

There is a serious refugee crisis going on where people from mostly Islamic countries are running for their lives, running away from their own Islamic countries and escaping to kafir Western Europe.   

In the past 10 months, over 500,000 refugees have run away from their mostly Islamic countries towards Europe.  The numbers are increasing.

Here is a map showing where these refugees are coming from. As you can see the bulk of them are from Islamic countries.

People are running for their lives from Mali, Morocco, Algeria, Niger, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and a dozen other Islamic countries.

The following three pictures show the type of risk, danger and violence they are willing to endure just to escape from their  Islamic countries.

These people look frightened and desperate. They would rather die than go back to their Islamic countries.

From their desperation it is obvious that they are running away from satan. 
They are running away from the devil. 
They are running away from a kuffar system.

It must be a totally satanic system that can cause so many people from so many different Islamic countries to pack their belongings all at the same time and escape for their lives to the West.
None of them want to "escape"to Saudi Arabia.  Why not? Isnt Saudi Arabia an "Islamic" country?

Why do they want to escape to the kafir West?

I have given up reaching to the unintelligent and the morons. You are not relevant anyway.  If a space ship comes out of the sky suddenly and sucks you up, it will make jack sh*t of a difference to the world. The world will not miss your absence - AT ALL.

So I am reaching out to those who can think, those who are intelligent. 

What is happening in Europe is more than enough proof that these people are escaping from a satanic belief system.  

They are suffering because they have been following the teachings of the devil.

They have not been following the deen of Islam which is carefully preserved in the Quran. 

They have been following foolish and satanic teachings which cause them to make their own lives difficult, which makes other peoples lives difficult and which makes them pass judgement on each other, day and night, and eventually end up causing violence and wars among themselves. 

Then they have to escape with their lives to the West which gives them peace, freedom, clean water, schools and LIFE. They can live.

This woman, the Chancellor of Germany has said that 'Germany will do everything in its power to help these refugees'.     

 Islamic saviour.
  'Come to Germany and we will resettle you' says Angela Merckel.

Here are more pictures. These people are escaping from an evil and satanic system. A system that is devoid of brains. This is the system of satan. No intelligence is required.

People risking their lives (above) to escape to the West. Below here is that now famous picture of that young Syrian child who was washed up by the waves. 

Akhir kalam : This is like a mass, continent wide nervous breakdown of an entire system.  This breakdown is happening to people across races, across borders, across cultures. Most of them have only one thing in common - a shared religious belief system.

I dont know how many more centuries it is going to take for these societies to realise that theirs is a satanic system.

This is NOT Islam. Some of them may think it is, but it is not.  

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