Tuesday, March 8, 2016

It’s the corrupt who have betrayed Malays, not Dr M

YOURSAY | ‘Don’t underestimate Umno's ability to spin this into a racial thing.’
FellowMalaysian: The condemnation of former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad for betraying the struggle of Umno and the Malays by party supreme council member Abdul Aziz Kaprawi is the most dishonourable, disgusting and disrespectful thing anyone could accuse him of doing as no Malay in this country has contributed his mind, soul and practically his entire life as much as Mahathir to the Malay community.
Those Umno leaders like Abdul Aziz, Abdul Rahman Dahlan and Salleh Said Keruak who had insinuated a working alliance between Mahathir with DAP and PKR have little to back up their accusations as the 58 signatories of the Citizen's Declaration on Friday clearly identified themselves as representatives of concerned citizens and nothing else beyond that.
Abdul Aziz's remark has just proven the Economist's observation accurate and true when the respected global magazine labelled Umno as lacking ability to think beyond the confines of ethnic and religious incitements.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Umno has betrayed the Malays. In fact, Umno is making use of ordinary Malays to prop up its leaders so that they can allegedly plunder the country's wealth with impunity.
If this persists, I fear that eventually it is the poor Malays who have to pay the price. By then, where would Malay dignity be if the youngsters have to go to neighbouring countries as maids and labourers (God forbid)?
Please wake up. Do not regard anyone who speaks against the leader of Umno as traitors of Malays. Mahathir definitely is not in that class.
GE14Now!: Once again I would reiterate that I have no love nor trust for the old man.
But for him to align himself with the opposition can only mean that the corruption that he has seen has gone way beyond that which is deemed to be acceptable in Malaysia (if indeed corruption can ever be deemed to be 'acceptable').
It does not take much brains to realise that the current grand corruption displayed by the current administration is absolutely intolerable.
Worldly Wise: It is the corrupt who are betraying the Malays, not Mahathir.
Yes, Mahathir is the brains behind the ethnic discrimination policies of Abdul Razak Hussein. Abdul Razak carried it out bluntly. Without imagination.
In Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, there are no minorities. All are equal citizens. Educated Indonesians are reportedly earning higher salaries than Malaysians.
We are slipping with our divisive policies set in place by Abdul Razak’s lack of vision.
Pahatian: Another leader from Umno University making his voice heard. The whole nation is hanging on a piece of thread and this man is talking about safeguarding Malay rights and the Islam agenda, as if there are no other races or religions in Malaysia.
It will be a dream come true if Malaysia is to achieve its Vision 2020 or developed status in less than four years' time with all the scandals plaguing the country, and the oil prices at their lowest. Dream on, my friend.
Anonymous_3fe4: DAP not Malaysian? Dr M betrayed Malay? Why when someone is against Umno, the racial card is always used? Umno is Malay, but Malay is not necessarily Umno.
‘Permikiran Kritis 101’ should be part of the syllabus in all public universities in Malaysia.
Kangkung: Do not underestimate Umno's ability to spin this into a racial thing. Umno leaders are spinners par excellence.
Dalvik: Both Dr M and Muhyiddin made a very big mistake? Not sure about that one, Najib - but I am sure the RM2.6 billion donation into your personal account was definitely a big mistake, at least in the eyes of international community.
CQ Muar: Mistake or not, it isn't up to you to judge or decide, Najib. Are you resorting to ‘reverse’ psychology, hoping others will be intimidated out of fear?
The whole nation is outraged with your corrupted leadership and administration. We can imagine you must be gripped with fear at this moment. Rest assured, your days of glory are fast coming to an end.
Citizen No.26: I don't think it is a very big mistake as the PM has put it. It is, in fact, a very big clarion call to all Malaysian citizens for systemic reforms.
Despite what the PM and his cronies may say, the Malaysian citizens are responding positively to this clarion call.
Victor Johan: Najib, why was the auditor-general's submission to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) put under the Official Secrets Act (OSA) when they were to be made public and presented to the MPs in Parliament?
How do you intend to serve the rakyat without this disclosure? Stop beating around the bush, will you?
Mafeeah: If this matter was too trivial, Najib would not have opened his mouth.
The fact that he is responding only goes to show that his highly-paid ‘Gurkhas’ have not done a good job, forcing the master to intervene.
Wg321: A little drop of water and a little grain of sand will make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land.
One day, the ‘Citizens' Declaration’ will snowball into a Malaysian tsunami which will overwhelm PM Najib Razak.
Like those ancient Chinese emperors in their respective dynasties, ‘Cash is King’ Najib has lost the ‘mandate from heaven’ to govern even though he has armed himself with emergency powers under the National Security Council (NSC) Act. -Mkini

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