Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Questions for KJ on alleged RM1.4m Umno Youth umrah

YOURSAY | ‘Can I ask you where did you get the money to sponsor so many for umrah?’
Anonymous 122461436161429: Normal Malays have to work hard to save enough money for their umrah and they do it when they feel they are worthy.
However, with the Umno leaders, it is apparently a free trip without having to work for it. Just support Umno blindly and you will be rewarded with trips such as these.
Malays wake up, please, and stop this abuse by your fellow Umno Malays.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, can I ask you where did you get so much money to sponsor so many for umrah?
If it is from your own pockets, you must be quite rich to do so. Very seldom a man of your age would be able to be so generous unless you own some big business generating loads of money.
Or maybe you might get the money from donations like PM Najib Razak. If it is sourced from donors, do you make sure that the donor or donors are not doing business which are not halal?
As a non-Muslim myself, I used to buy chocolate bars for my Muslim friends. And, I make sure that the chocolate bars meant for them are not contaminated with non-halal materials.
So if the money came from donations, did you make sure that it is halal? It is all the more important since it is used to go to the holy land.
Legit: Corruption is the common disease in Malaysia. Many politicians from both sides of the aisle are corrupted.
People think that if you are complaining about corruption, something is wrong with you. What has the country come to?
Very soon Malaysia will overtake the most corrupted countries in the world. That is the sad fact.
Jaycee: Is there a point in all these investigations? After all, the person at the helm got away with billions and found not guilty of any wrongdoing.
Hence, what this means is that the floodgates are opened for others to emulate. This is known as leadership by example.
Vijay47: Socio-cultural adviser to the government Rais Yatim, since you knew of former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad's alleged misdeeds and did not squeal on him, are you admitting to dereliction of duty?
Should you now be charged with failure to properly execute the duties and responsibilities required of a minister?
But we all know that retribution for such failures will never come to pass, especially if the guilty are from Umno's upper echelons.
Then again, maybe you believe that an Umno member's sacred function is to defend his leader whatever kind of crook he may be, as is the case presently.
Right now, pathetic gratitude can be expected since Najib threw you some crumbs of position when you became a miserable elections failure.
Beyond that, Rais, perhaps you chose silence over action because there was that little possibility that in turn, Mahathir may have had a much bigger lowdown on you and thus you decided that discretion was the better part of valour.
After all, you are the person who brought Malaysia-Indonesia relations to great heights.
Turvy: Rais, if what you say is indeed true, you failed in your role as a representative of the people, earning a salary that you should not have taken.
Your omissions as a paid official, which you now confess to are the cause of the present evil we face. You fail again now when you advocate silence and acquiescence of conduct that is wrong.
You are not saying there is no wrongdoing. You are only saying there is a duty on subordinates to shut their eyes and their mouths in the face of wrongdoing by their chiefs.
That is a pathetic position. Don't invoke religion to support the betrayal of trust that was placed on you.
GE14Now!: Rais, the problem is that there is rampant corruption in very high places in the land.
The former AG was removed and he did not even know why. The DPM was removed for asking about the RM2.6 billion - and we all know that the amount is a fact.
There are none who are honest in Umno, not a single one. The entire party must be removed from government.
Umno has had far too much power and it now wants absolute power, which we all know will pave the way for absolute corruption.
Beep!: Rais, think. Anyone or group, has a right to call for change and tell off the leader when he's clearly doing harm to the country.
You failed in your time (by your own admission). We don't want to repeat your mistake.
Roguekiller: How was a person like you, Rais, appointed a minister with no gumption to speak up when things were not right?
By stupidly venting your dissatisfaction/disappointment now, you have divulged a feeble person you have been; you haven't the guts to point out what is right; you have let down those who have voted you in.
What is the use of backtalk now when the event is past? No wonder, the BN government has been weak with idiots given ministerial posts. -Mkini

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