Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Let Us Save this Country-Part 1

Image result for selamatkan Malaysia

Some people say Najib is alright. I am shocked to hear them say that. But they are entitled to their opinion. I hold a different view. And I am equally entitled to my opinion. 

Just like Christopher Hitchens- my own opinion is enough for me, and I claim the right to have it defended against any consensus, any majority, any where, any place, any time.  

Najib is not alright, He is not- unless you have forsaken principles and values. It is especially alarming with the Malays. They seem to excuse wrongdoings if committed by a fellow Malay and Muslim. 

We cannot have a manifestly crooked man running the country. As we shall eventually discover, what he did with 1MDB, the money from SRC and the donation of RM2.6 billion and the yet unaccountable missing RM4 billion reflect, the true measure of the man. Of all our PMs, he is the one most cunning and untrustworthy. 

He brings into office the low class politics of the UMNO bahagians- that every opposition to his leadership can be neutralised by paying those who are opposed to him. Hence his personal motto- cash is king. Second, he believes that whatever money passes through his office, is his. Hence money belonging to the country is his to do as he wishes. 

The combination of these two ingredients make up the recipe for a dictatorship. A dictator with the smiling face.  

I am afraid that if we don't take out Najib politically, we will end up being ruled by a dictator.  The essence of a dictator is his whimsical rule. The whole country is on edge not knowing what he will do next. We already had a taste of what he has done; all those draconian laws of POCA, POTA, SOSMA and the latest, the NSC bill. All designed to keep him in power and destroy any opposition. The means for people to express themselves are gagged up- the vibrant online newspapers are closed down one by one.  He is the dictator with the smiling face, with a knife behind his back. He dupes many people. 

Even the fascists with the Islamic face are supporting him. Islamic principles grounded on the foundation of standing up for justice are thrown away. We will rue the day when the fellows enter our houses and sleep with our wives and daughters or sons, we will excuse their trespass because they are of the same race and religion. What kind of race is that and what kind of religion is that?

We are working to expel Najib from Putrajaya. We attack him because he is crooked and his government is corrupt and reactionary. Our agenda is not hidden. We have to save Malaysia by getting rid of Najib and his government. The whole country has to be reset.

Now we know that PM Najib’s personal crookery and fascism with the Islamic face are closely related. I have the utmost respect for the men of God, but when they side with a crooked leader, they reveal their fascism. Whatever Quranic verses they use to justify their conduct, we now know them as fascists with the Islamic face.

Let us now talk about the crooked PM. There are a lot of similarities between slick Willie President Clinton and PM Najib. Both, it seems have their own Tammany Hall. Some of you may know about this. Tammany Hall refers to a political organisation notorious for corruption, and patronage. It had its origins in the late 19th century in America. The organisation used its resources, money and patronage to control the politics of the nation. It used cash to buy the loyalty of politicians and allegiance of civil servants.

The most notorious figure who controlled Tammany Hall was one William M. Tweed. He was known as “Boss" Tweed, who ran an efficient and corrupt political machine based on patronage and graft. It used graft, bribery, and rigged elections to make money for themselves. By now, I am certain, these things sound so familiar with what is happening in Malaysia.

PM Najib is our Boss Tweed.

In PM Najib, we have our own Boss Tweed who uses cash is king to award patronage and buy political control. His Tammany Hall comprises of his close associates who are most loyal to him. They received money and patronage.

The money from the donation was used to buy the 2013 elections. No one believes that anything was returned to the donor. Everyone believes there was and is no such donor. Our own boss Tweed lied to everyone so that now, there is no one else left to lie to.

Ernest Hemmingway once wrote that real writers have a built in bullshit detector. Real writers detect the bullshit PM Najib is throwing around. Real writers include those journalists (and they are a vanishing breed here in Malaysia) who don’t forsake their subjective journalism in exchange for playing to the gallery.  Real writers have a pact only with the rakyat and they have a duty to them to tell the truth.

From his feigned ignorance of he doesn’t know how the RM42 million from SRC got into his account to the ever changing excuses for the RM2.6 billion donation, PM Najib has not told us any truth. He has shifted the goal posts so many times.

Remember- from money given to fight ISIS, to stay the course as a Sunni state, to money for use to fight DAP and Israel, to do whatever and finally to a simple donation to do don’t know what. It turns out that the money was used by UMNO to win elections. The Malaysian Boss Tweed rigged the elections to stay in power.

He has dutifully returned RM2 billion because he has no use for it. He is indeed a role model in the manner prescribed by his wasathiyah slogan. To slick Najib, it was just a slogan to pacify the Islamic fascists.  

The money was donated to UMNO and he decides for UMNO to return the money. Hence Najibah has entered the Islamic finance lexicon to refer to the act of returning a big portion of a donation to the donor. If najib had used or taken a bigger portion than the portion returned it would have to be termed as Najibahan.

How on earth did the RM42 million get into his account unless the account holder gave his account number. Did Najib place on his blog his account number and asked for donations because he wanted to carry out UMNO programs?

Well it’s all bullshit. And it’s a bullshit heartily consumed by FONs- Friends of Najib who formed the members of Najib’s Tammany Hall. People like chief Nazri Aziz, Saleh Said Keruak, Rahman Dahalan, Azalina Said, Ahmad Maslan , Adnan Mansor, and now Anuar Musa.

The impudence of it all, when we confront Najib about all these issues, he is not ashamed to react with pretentious extreme indignation.  He is simply not capable of doing all these things- he is the son of Tun Razak, well brought up, he is a descendant of the Bugis people, and he will not allow UMNO to be destroyed and so on. He is simply incomprehensible.

All Najib gave a damn about was holding on to power at any costs. We, the people are subjected to Najib’s 7 years of reptilian rule. The phrase reptilian rule, I borrow from Hitchens’s description of Clinton’s rule. In many ways, Najibs shares many similarities with the ‘I didn’t have sex with that woman’ Clinton.

We don’t have the infamous Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress- but we have other smoking guns. We have the 1MDB mother of all financial scandals and the RM42 million SRC money in his private account. We have the RM2.6 million which is given a well-rounded lie treatment and we have he around USD4 billion missing from 1MDB declared by the Swiss AG.

Just like slick Willie, Najib is a serial liar.

Let’s say that the 1MDB, the RM42 million, the RM2.6 million are all ‘accidents’ that will cause the downfall of the UMNO led government. Montesquieu, the French philosopher and thinker once said that if a city or state were to fall because of an accident, then there must be a general reason why it needed just an accident to cause it to fall.

The general reason is because UMNO led government has gone bad. It has become a den for corrupt and abusive leaders. It’s a tool used by UMNO politicians to bleed the county while paying a cursory attention to the welfare of the country. In politics, it has contrived means to accumulate unfettered powers that stifle democracy. In economics, it serves the interests of the top 5%. In social relations, it is a racist government. it promises to the commoner, but delivers to the aristocrats.

The leader of the government is displaying dictatorial inclinations. He will become one if not stopped. The essence of a dictatorship is its unpredictability and caprice. The dictator changes the goal post as many times he wants. He has created uncertainty because no one knows what he will do next.

That is driving people away. That causes people to walk about with a perpetual frown on their faces. Each one carries a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

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