Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The best PM Malaysia never had

#kulilagi #kesiankuli

29 March, Noon
As I write, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah is speaking at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur, most likely to respond to the tonnes of brickbats he's been getting from the anti-Najib, proTun crowd who have been told that the Kelantanese prince had done a number on the Deklarasi Gang, that he was supposed to be part of it, that he hoodwinked everyone and betrayed Dr Mahathir Mohamad by throwing his support behind Najib Razak, instead.

Well, that's hardcore politics for you. I hear blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin knows the story as to why Ku Li would never trust Mahathir ever again after the coup against Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi 2006-09. I hope that story will be told soon.

In the mean time, Ku Li remains the most sought-after politician every time there's a major national leadership crisis. I say it speaks volumes abour the man ... notwithstanding what he might say at the press conference.

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