Monday, May 2, 2016

DAP risks losing seven seats? Don't be fooled, BN warned

S'WAK POLLS BN should not be lulled into a false sense of security by DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang's claims that the party risks losing seven seats, a Sarawak BN leader warned.
PBB deputy president Abang Johari Abang Openg said this was only a ploy to make DAP work harder.
"Don't fall for this. If he knows they're about to lose them, it means they will work harder.
"So if BN wants to win, we have to work hard too," Abang Johari said at a PBB rally in Miri today.

He was here to campaign for BN's direct candidate for Pujut, Hii King Chiong.
Lim yesterday had said DAP risked losing more than half of the 12 seats it won in 2011 and this was because BN conglomerates were wooing voters with money and they were riding on Adenan’s popularity.
Meanwhile about 500 people attended the PBB gathering, where Abang Johari echoed incumbent chief minister Adenan Satem's message for bumiputeras to stand united to ensure BN's victory.
"If we are united, we can win in Pujut, Senadin and Piasau.
"We can win a clean sweep in Miri, and sweep the rocket away [...] We can ubah (change) the rocket to the scales" he said, poking fun at DAP's Ubah motto and referring to the party and BN by its logos. -Mkini

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