Monday, June 27, 2016

Gobind: What is IGP doing about Pahang mufti?

What are the police going to do about Pahang mufti Abdul Rahman Osman's declaration that DAP is `kafir harbi'. This is what Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo wants inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar to answer.
Describing the issue as a serious matter, Gobind said today he is perplexed and concerned over the IGP's silence on the matter.
“The DAP has never waged war against Islam. We are not anti-Islam. We have supporters, members and people's representatives who are Muslims. We uphold the Federal Constitution, which declares that Islam is the official religion of Malaysia.
“But what concerns me most is the utter silence on the part of our IGP who leads the police force, which is supposedly guardian of the law of this land.
“We have an open and public declaration of such a serious nature, but the IGP says nothing. It is almost as if nothing has happened,” Gobind (photo) said.
However, he said, said Khalid has been responding quickly when it comes to other cases involving matters that are said to be sensitive in nature.
“So why the difference here?” he asked, adding that there are laws in Malaysia for the police to act.
“We need to see these laws enforced. Silence in circumstances like these is, to my mind, no option.
“I think the question in the uppermost of the minds of many people is whether or not the IGP agrees with the mufti? If he does not, the question is, what does Khalid propose to do about it?” the federal lawmaker posed further.
Describing the issue as a matter of great public importance, Gobind called upon Khalid to break his silence and respond to the matter.
His statement comes in the aftermath of the Rahman declaring that the DAP as 'kafir harbi', a term for non-Muslims who wage war against Islam, and who are thus permissible to be slain.
'MCA and Gerakan playing politics'
Meanwhile, DAP's Segambut MP, Lim Lip Eng, described Gerakan as merely playing politics in criticising Rahman for his statement.
Lim said Gerakan, and MCA as well, should have brought this issue in the cabinet.
“Do not play politics in front of the media only but keep quiet in cabinet. I want to see if the MCA and Gerakan leaders would bring this issue to cabinet or not,” Lim told reporters outside the Dang Wangi district police headquarters in Kuala Lumpur today.

He earlier accompanied PKR's Religious Bureau chief, Wan Ji Wan Hussin, to the police station to lodge a report against Rahman.
Yesterday, DAP parliamentary leader, Lim Kit Siang speculated that no cabinet minister would dare criticise what the Pahang mufti had said.
Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong said he disagreed with what was said by the mufti, while MCA president Liow Tiong Lai refused to comment on the controversy. - Mkini

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