Monday, June 27, 2016

Perdana Foundation says it gets no gov't funds, just rental

The Perdana Leadership Foundation led by former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad has denied it receives government funding.
In a statement last night, the foundation clarified the government only pays rental for an office space in its premises.
This follows Umno president Najib Abdul Razak last Friday announcing the party supreme council has decided the government should cease funding the foundation.
The prime minister added the government will terminate all the staff there, as the office had allegedly been use "as a centre to topple the government by unconstitutional means".
"We refer to the recent news reports which state the government will be 'asked to cease all forms of financial contributions to the foundation including all allocation for its maintenance and also its employees provided for the running of the Foundation.'

"The foundation has had no funding from the government related to its management and/or the staff employed by it.
"The government's involvement in the foundation is purely as a tenant of the tenanted premises for use as the office of the fourth prime minister, for which the government is paying the rentals," said the foundation.
"The government is also responsible for the salaries of the civil service officers who are assigned to the former prime minister’s office located in the premises," it added. - Mkini

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