Friday, July 1, 2016

Selangor Sultan displeased mosques used for political purposes

He says the services of such “nazir” (guardians) should be terminated and the post given to others.
KLANG: The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, has expressed displeasure at some “nazir” (guardians) for allowing mosques to be used for political purposes.
“Some politicians have used mosques in Selangor for political purposes.
“What is even more disappointing is that some of them are non-Muslims.
“The services of such ‘nazir’ should be terminated and the post given to others,” he said when opening Masjid Kampung Johan Setia, breaking of fast and presenting Aidilfitri contributions to the poor.
Sultan Sharafuddin has ordered the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) to investigate and take stern action against those involved.
He also reminded Muslims in the state to pay their tithes through legitimate representatives appointed by the Selangor Zakat Board (LZS).
This was important to avoid individuals from taking advantage of the situation by collecting tithes from the public.
Sultan Sharafuddin also urged the people not to be influenced by comments disputing the authority of LZS disseminated through the social media.
Construction work on Masjid Kampung Johan Setia began in July 2012 and was completed in September 2015.
It was built on a 16-acre land at a cost of RM8.5 million and can accommodate some 2,000 worshipers at one time.
Sultan Sharafuddin also performed maghrib, isyak and tarawih prayers with the congregation.

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