Thursday, July 28, 2016

Alas, not one institution left with its integrity intact

YOURSAY | ‘Has the auditor-general's report ever been classified under the OSA previously?’
Kim Quek: The reason given by auditor-general Ambrin Buang to classify his final audit report under the Official Secrets Act (OSA) is weak, and his refusal to declassify it later even more unacceptable.
There is little doubt that he has allegedly buckled under the country’s autocratic power, the way Bank Negara has compromised its independence and integrity with respect to the atrocious alleged transgression of financial regulations on an astronomical scale by 1MDB.
Looking around, there is not a single institution left standing with its integrity intact. Such is the overpowering influence of the autocracy’s corrupt power. This is another unmistakable indication that the country is on course to becoming a failed state.
Vijay47: Just a few simple questions, Ambrin. Has the auditor-general's report even been classified under the OSA previously? What were the special characteristics or circumstances that compelled you to do so in respect of this particular report?
You stated that the prime minister gave you the authority to make the Official Secret classification. Was it ‘authority’ or ‘instruction’?
Since the final report is, well, the final report meant for public knowledge, what does it matter that there may have been leaks regarding the interim one? Isn't this akin to saying that the stable door has to closed since the horses have bolted?
Maplesyrup: Going by the leaked auditor-general’s report, and what is reported in Sarawak Report and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) court filings, it appears that the contents in the auditor-general’s report are explosive.
Is it not treason, and does it not make the auditor-general an accessory to the alleged crime of the theft on a grand scale, if he were to classify the report under OSA?
Is there any point in praying five times a day, fasting, and perform the haj if you allegedly commit thefts, or conceal the thefts, or benefit from the thefts?
You can fool men, but God shall not be mocked by your acts.
Peacemaker: Ambrin was merely authorised to classify the 1MDB audit report, he was not compelled to classify it as an official secret.
The conclusion is that it was Ambrin who classified the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report as an official secret. The question is why?
Is it because Ambrin Buang had a personal interest in classifying the report under OSA? The PAC report does not fall into any of the categories of official secret.
No-Brainer: The national auditor-general's main functions, responsibilities and duties are to audit the government's spendings every year and then to submit them to our Agong, who will then pass them to the Parliament for debate.
Ambrin, whether the auditor-general's reports are to be OSA-ed or not is not your job. I think you had overstepped your authority on this 1MDB report.
Anonymous #44199885: Ambrin has much to answer for, for example how does the publication of the audit report on 1MDB cause or result in outside interference of the PAC, which is a powerful parliamentary committee, the majority of whose members are from BN.
Ambrin has failed in his constitutional and public duty to the country and his failure to disclose corrupt acts and financial misappropriation of a colossal scale can only result in further loss of confidence (if any is left) in our public institutions.
They exist to protect the rakyat and apparently Ambrin has failed the rakyat.
Rupert16: Ambrin, if what you said is that the aim was to classify the interim report under OSA, and that you have the authority, why is the final report still classified under OSA now that the PAC report has been issued? Kindly explain, please.
Chipmunk: Since ‘Malaysian Official 1' is said to be the PM, how can he instruct for the documents to be classified under OSA?
He should not have anything to do with it because he is directly involved in this allegedly criminal activity.
Wong Fei Hoong: Ambrin, your report should be given to the Parliament to be debated and not only to the PM.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: So he makes this statement like weeks later. But it still does not answer the question of why?
Why did they think this would affect national security? If the report showed no wrongdoing, what would be the problem?
These people still do not get it. This is a financial report. For it to be classified as a secret, speaks volumes to the people. It means you wanted to hide something.
Skyborn: Yes, where are the honest accountants and auditors? For goodness sake, it's your profession to speak out. Why are all of you deaf and dumb?
Angel: Now that the PAC has made their report, why didn’t you declassify the auditor-general’s report.

Isn’t there a law saying you have to present the report to the Agong, and then to be read in Parliament. Why are you waiting for?
You have power to classify the report. Don’t you have power to declassify it? - Mkini

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