Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Razali to Maria: Let’s have a chat

The new Suhakam chief says people should take to the streets only in the most desperate of situations.
PETALING JAYA: Suhakam Chairman Razali Ismail has invited Bersih chief Maria Chin Abdullah for “a chat” on human rights issues, including the appropriateness of street demonstrations.
He rejected Chin’s criticism of remarks he made recently to the effect that the kind of protests associated with Bersih were unnecessary.
In a media statement yesterday, Chin accused the newly appointed Suhakam chief of ridiculing the commitment of Bersih supporters to the fight for institutional reforms.
Speaking to FMT, Razali asserted his belief in the right of Malaysians to demonstrate, but he said there were alternative ways of championing causes. People should take to the streets only in “the most desperate of situations,” he said.
He also clarified that he was expressing his own opinion, not Suhakam’s, when he made the remarks that offended Chin.
He proposed an informal meeting between himself and Chin, saying they could exchange views “over a cup of coffee.”
“My door is always open and I’m quite happy to have a chat with her,” he said. “I’m coming from the right direction and she knows it.”
Razali denied that he was partial to any side of the Malaysian political divide.
“In fact, my views are more independent than those of Bersih 2.0 Chairman Maria Chin Abdullah in a global context,” he said.
Declaring that he was being “as open as possible,” he said he was willing to discuss views on demonstrations with any interest group.
“I would welcome those who are disappointed with me,” he said.

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