Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Casual Roadside Molest Of Women In Saudi Arabia

Image result for Casual Roadside Molest Of Women In Saudi Arabia

I have heard plenty of stories like this about Saudi Arabia. People say if you are in Saudi Arabia 'If you board a cab make sure the men board first and your wife and daughters get in last. When you get off, make sure the women get off first and the men get off last. This is to prevent the taxis from driving off with the women".   But people will talk hush-hush because they do not want to malukan or aibkan the anak haram.

Now with smartphones, the Internet and youtube the whole world can see what really goes on.  The following are video recordings of Saudi anak haram wearing jubah (robes) openly molesting women (covered llke ninjas from head to toe)  in the streets. 

I am not uploading the video in my blog. You can click on these two links :

If it does not pop up then search YouTube for "pelecehan seksual wanita jilbab di arab saudi"

This is a very barbaric and kuffar society.  These are not isolated cases of molest that take place out of sight and behind closed doors.

This is a barbaric culture where groups of males openly molest  more than one female at a time in the streets.   

There is even one fellow video taping the whole thing and obviously forwarding the recording to his friends  - otherwise it will not be on youtube.

Here are two other videos about / from Egypt.  I have previously posted about this. The videos show what they call "Taharrush Jemaa" (The Rape Game or Group Rape).  

Mob of these anak haram molest women (in public) and then haul them away to be raped. 

The first video has a Mat Salleh guy talking about it. 

This second video interviews the women themselves, who suffered these public assaults.

I dont know how many more centuries it is going to take for people to recognise pagan and satanic cult behaviour.

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