Monday, May 1, 2017

BN misses the point of Labour Day

The BN government has failed to educate the rakyat on the true significance of Labour Day, instead treating it as a regular public holiday, said several prominent Pakatan Harapan figures.
In a joint statement released by PKR Kuala Langat MP Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid, Amanah Youth deputy chief Faiz Fadzil and DAP Klang MP Charles Santiago, they pointed out that May 1 is a day workers remember the Chicago Haymarket Affair in 1886.
"Unfortunately, in Malaysia, the BN federal government did not educate the people on this incident.
"The people have been asked to think of May 1st as a public holiday, or even a day to bond between workers and their employers through activities," they said in the statement today.
The BN government, they said, are trying to cover up the weaknesses of their policies regarding workers' rights.
Workers in Malaysia are facing various problems today, they added, especially when it comes to their welfare.
Four problems
They listed four most prominent issues plaguing workers today, first of which is the unequal growth rate for wages in the country, compared to the growth rate of productivity and increase in real estate prices.
This situation is only made worse by the rising cost of living, which in turn leads to workers with less asset ownership and an ever widening wealth gap, they said.
Secondly, they said, the country's weak education system means that many workers in Malaysia only have a Malaysian Examination Certificate (SPM) qualification or lower.
"This low education level means that individuals are forced to work in low-productivity jobs which does not earn much," they said.
Third, they pointed out that only eight percent of Malaysian workers belong to any workers' unions.
The government does not provide any incentives or place importance on the existence of unions which looks out for the welfare of its members, they said.
On the other hand, they added, workers' unions should be more progressive and innovative in defending workers' rights.
Lastly, they said, the BN government does not pay much attention to discrimination at the workplace, whereas Harapan is committed to fighting against racial and gender workplace discrimination.
CM: Penang showing improvement
Meanwhile, in a separate statement, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng stressed that the state government remains committed towards a pro-poor, pro-jobs and pro-growth development policy for the people of Penang.
"Penang is good example of a healthy financial administration with annual budget surpluses and low debt, without relying on the GST," he said.
He pointed out that the Penang government devotes 12 percent of their annual budget in cash aid for the poor, and that unemployment rate in Penang is only 1.6 percent last year, compared to the national unemployment rate of 3.5 percent.
"Which is why, I have always invited young Malaysians from all over the country to come and work in Penang if you cannot get a job elsewhere.
"This is because we prioritise Malaysians for our jobs above all else," he said.
Johorean exodus
Meanwhile, Amanah deputy president Salahuddin Ayub said in another statement that Johoreans would not need to commute every day to Singapore for work if Malaysia had better administration.
"It is now normal for Johoreans to see hundreds and thousands of Malaysians enter Singapore every day to work there.

"It makes me sad to see this situation. The people of Johor would be better off than this if they had a corruption-free leader.
"I believe that if the administration today is not corrupt and looks after the welfare of its people, then Johoreans need not trouble themselves every day by going to Singapore for work," he said.
If Harapan was leading Johor, he said, it would be corruption-free and the state government would better understand the wishes of its people.- Mkini

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