Sunday, August 27, 2017

Rafizi calls for special congress to resolve PKR split over PAS

A PKR special congress should be organised to decide on whether to continue talks with PAS on possible cooperation in the 14th General Election, said its vice president Rafizi Ramli.

He said this was because both the PKR leadership and grassroots are now split on whether such talks should continue or not.
“The split goes from the political bureau to the central leadership council and the grassroots.
"Therefore, it is time to end this stalemate using the best method in accordance with the party constitution, which is through democracy.
“I propose that a special national congress is called as soon as possible to decide on this matter through the votes of delegates from PKR divisions nationwide as provided by the party constitution,” he said in a statement today.
Rafizi, who is also Pandan MP, said the existence of the two camps may confuse the party’s grassroots since some PKR national leaders also hold official posts within the Pakatan Harapan coalition.
He also expressed concern that this would affect preparations for the upcoming general election.
He pointed out the disagreement had prolonged since mid-2015.
Rafizi said the group advocating talks with PAS believe the priority was in retaining Selangor.
"The outcome of this opinion is simple, PKR should not take any steps that would risk causing uncertainties to the Selangor government.
"This group is strongly opposed to any discussions that could lead to three-cornered fights in the election," he said.
The other group not wanting prolonged talks with PAS, said Rafizi, wants to press on with Harapan based on the belief for the need of a wide-ranging coalition based on common values, like Barisan Alternatif and Pakatan Rakyat.

He said this principle should supersede vested interest in winning seats.
In his statement, Rafizi also named the PKR leaders who supposedly favour and don’t favour holding talks with PAS.
He claimed that those in favour of holding talks are PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, vice presidents Tian Chua, Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin, Xavier Jeyakumar and Dr Shaharuddin Badaruddin, women’s wing chief Zuraida Kamaruddin, political bureau members R Sivarasa, Saifuddin Abdullah and Kamaruddin Jaafar, and communications director Fahmi Fadzil.
Meanwhile, he claimed those who are against holding talks with PAS are himself, secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution, youth wing chief Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, treasurer Tan Yew Kew, information chief Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh, chief whip Johari Abdul, strategic director Sim Tze Tzin, chief organising secretary Fariz Musa, disciplinary board chairperson Abdul Hadi Abdul Khattab, and former political bureau member William Leong. - Mkini

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