Sunday, August 27, 2017

'Talks with PAS based on belief non-Malays will back Harapan anyway'

The push by those within PKR for the continuation of negotiations with PAS is based on the belief that non-Malays will back PKR and Pakatan Harapan anyway.
PKR vice president Rafizi Ramli said the belief was based on a research finding which found non-Malays will still back them despite its overtures to PAS, due to the strong anti-Umno sentiment.
"In the recent developments that guided the decision to continue negotiations with PAS, despite much progress with Pakatan Harapan, was based on the latest presentation by Redzuan Othman from Institute Darul Ehsan (IDE) and Mohd Noor Nawawi from Unisel.
"They were of the opinion, that based on their research, non-Malay voters hate Umno so much that they will still vote for PKR/Pakatan Harapan even though PKR is seen to be negotiating and cooperating with PAS.
"Therefore, in order to ensure one-on-one contests, negotiations should continue as there will not be a major impact on the support of non-Malays for PKR," he said in a statement today.
However, Rafizi, who is opposed to continued negotiations with PAS, is sceptical of the research finding.
The policy research group Invoke, led by Rafizi, had also produced research findings that contradicted those by pollsters IDE and Merdeka Centre.
He noted that those who favoured negotiations with PAS have cited research by IDE and Merdeka Centre while those opposed had cited Invoke's research, which found that Harapan can still come on top despite three-cornered fights.

"Invoke was founded by me, therefore there were claims that the research was bias to support my views and those of my friends," conceded Rafizi.
However, he noted that IDE was owned by the Selangor government which is headed by PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, the primary face of the negotiations with PAS.
Rafizi stressed that research work produced by Invoke met international standards and is the largest of its kind in the country whereas IDE was based on Selangor voters.
As for Merdeka Centre, Rafizi claimed it had projects with the Selangor government.
Rafizi noted that the party was split on negotiating with PAS and the different research findings had not helped them to reconcile.
He called for a special congress to vote on the matter and put it to rest once and for all.
Rafizi expressed concern that the negotiations may not yield results and may instead hurt Harapan due to delays in preparations.

Rafizi pointed out that ultimately, the negotiation only involves PKR and PKR cannot negotiate on behalf of Amanah and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia.
"PAS wants all of its seats, in Selangor and the rest of the country, to be maintained.
"This would mean Amanah and Bersatu will have no seats to contest.
"I am not confident that PKR and DAP will be willing to give up seats to Amanah and Bersatu simply to fulfil PAS' demands," he said. - Mkini

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