Monday, February 26, 2018

PAS launches its GE14 manifesto for Kedah

PAS, together with the party's strategic partners in Gagasan Sejahtera, launched its 14th general election (GE14) manifesto for Kedah in Alor Star today.
It was launched by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang at the Kedah PAS Complex in Kota Sarang Semut and attended by, among others, Barisan Jemaah Islamiah Se-Malaysia (Berjasa) deputy president Brig-Gen (Rtd) Hashim Abd Karim and Parti Ikatan Bangsa Malaysia (Ikatan) deputy president Dr Samarudin Md Rejab.
The manifesto, with the theme "Solutions for People's Well-being", contained 15 core agendas which encompassed, among others, administration, religious affairs, education, welfare, economy, water and housing, women and family development, youth and human development, racial integration, security and environment.
In his speech, Hadi expressed confidence of PAS re-capturing Kedah and administering the country in the coming general election.
In Kedah, PAS has announced that the party would contest all 15 parliamentary and 36 state seats.
In the last general election, PAS won nine state seats, but is left with only eight after Anak Bukit assemblyperson Amiruddin Hamzah quit the party and joined Parti Bersatu Pribumi Malaysia.
The party also won the Pokok Sena parliamentary seat in the last general election through Mahfuz Omar , who then left the party and is now an Independent member.
- Bernama

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