Friday, June 1, 2018

New twists emerge in Ting's RM30b Langkawi project

New twists have emerged 24 hours after property developer Ting Pek Khiing announced that Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad would be officiating an RM30 billion project of his in Langkawi today.
While Mahathir is in Langkawi today, sources in the Prime Minister's Office told Malaysiakini the prime minister would not be officiating such a project.
Kedah Menteri Besar Mukhriz Mahathir, meanwhile, said that the state government had not yet received any proposals on the matter.
"The announcement is puzzling because there was no proposal, dialogue, consideration, or even approval for the project by the state government led by me," Mukhriz said in a statement.
Finance Ministry special officer Tony Pua, meanwhile, called the project fictitious.
"I won't comment on a fictitious project," he said when asked to comment.
Ting, who had kept a low profile for the last 16 years, told the media yesterday that the RM30 billion project dubbed the Langkawi New City, would be located on 81ha of reclaimed land off the west side of Langkawi.
The Sarawak tycoon said the project would involve the construction of 30,000 high-end condominium units, commercial centres, berthing facilities for ocean liners and yachts and other facilities.
Mukhriz said Ting had approached him with such a project during his first term as Kedah menteri besar under the BN government.
However, he said there was no deposit made, and thus the project is no longer under consideration.
As such, the Kedah menteri besar said Ting must make an official proposal for the state government to consider.
He said Kedah does not want to hamper investments in the state, but stressed everything must follow proper guidelines - including assessing its social, environmental, and economic impact.
"The state government is business and investment friendly, but there will be no compromise on these three aspects," he said. -Mkini

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